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MEDIA INVITATION: CW to launch Veza, a tool to enhance Saps accountability

Microphones at a press conference

In 2018 Corruption Watch was one of four winners of the Google Impact Challenge, which tasked local innovators to solve a social problem using technology. Because the organisation, since its launch in 2012, has been inundated by various reports of police corruption, abuse of power, and maladministration, it developed the Veza Tool – an interactive and open data website that aims to increase transparency and accountability in the police service.

Corruption Watch invites members of the media to the launch of the Veza Tool. Join the event online on Wednesday, 17 February 2021 at 10h00 by registering here.

Veza, which, loosely translated, means ‘expose’ or ‘reveal’, is designed to empower communities with mechanisms to combat corruption and break the cycle of impunity in the police service. Corruption Watch’s engagements with communities across the country have also revealed power imbalances between Saps and the members of the public, and the tool will help to distribute that power more equitably.

The Veza Tool will enable the public to access budgets, resourcing, locations, and personnel of police stations all over the country. It will also allow the public to rate and review their police stations, commend ethical police officers, and access information about their rights in relation to policing. This tool aims to assist activists, researchers, journalists, and the public at large in demanding better and more accountable policing in South Africa.

Report release details:
Date:17 February 2021
Time:  10h00
Speakers:   Kavisha Pillay – Corruption Watch, Gareth Newham – Institute for Security Studies, and Sekoetlane Phamodi – Accountability Lab South Africa
Registration link:

The Veza Tool will be live from 10h00 on Wednesday. Visit the Corruption Watch website for more information on the day.

For media queries, please contact:

Phemelo Khaas:                              083 763 3472          

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