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Corruption Watch, ahead of the gathering next week in Atlanta, US, of the 10th session of the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC) Conference of the States Parties (COSP), today issued an open letter urging the South African delegation to intensify its anti-corruption efforts.

The letter outlines the areas that require urgent intervention and implementation.  These include the need for far more robust beneficial ownership transparency measures, greater procurement transparency, and the necessity for international co-operation and enhanced political finance transparency.

Out of the 69 resolutions adopted at the previous nine COSPs, there has never been a resolution on political finance, something that should be rectified at this year’s session, says the organisation.

Download and read the full open letter with analysis and recommendations.

For media enquiries contact:

Oteng Makgotlwe
Cell: 076 473 833                              E-mail: