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MEDIA ADVISORY: CW to release report focusing on local government corruption

Microphones at a press conference

Corruption Watch will release the report South Africa needs clean hands on Wednesday 18 August 2021.

This report homes in on the extent to which municipalities have been captured to serve private interests, how municipal managers have abused their power, and how procurement irregularities have diverted resources for essential services, resulting in communities deprived of basic human rights and services.

Since its inception in 2012 Corruption Watch has received over 5 000 whistle-blower reports exposing corruption within the local government sector, out of a total of 32 998 whistle-blower reports. Reporters point to allegations of bribery, procurement and employment irregularities, abuse of power, and embezzlement of funds.

The municipalities most implicated over the past nine years are the City of Johannesburg, Ekurhuleni, City of Tshwane, eThekwini, and the City of Cape Town.

Among the highlights included in South Africa needs clean hands are 2020’s 50% increase in cases from the Eastern Cape, Free State, KwaZulu-Natal and the Western Cape, compared to the previous year. The report also features details of the record number of whistle-blower allegations received in 2020 in relation to local government corruption, totalling 857.

Report release details:

Date: 18 August 2021
Time: 08h00
The South Africa needs clean hands report will be available electronically on Corruption Watch’s website from 08h00 on Wednesday:  

For media queries, please contact:

Nelisa Ngqulana:              073 817 8017           

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