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MEDIA ADVISORY: CW to launch report on benefits to mining communities

On 12 August, Corruption Watch (CW) will host a webinar to launch its report titled Improving Transparency and Accountability in the Flow of Benefits to Mining Communities. This report strives to understand how best to intervene in shaping the financial and legal mechanisms used to funnel benefits to mining-affected communities. It also highlights the vulnerabilities associated with the administration and management of community royalties with the aim of improving the current environment and rooting out the corruption and fraud that has characterised the industry.

In 2018, CW published its Mining Royalties Research Report that looked at equity benefits and compensation flowing from mining, and whether these were reaching mining-affected communities. It concluded that widespread corruption was evident and that, overall, the communities most affected by mining were not benefiting, but continued to live in conditions of poverty.

The Corruption Watch webinar will feature a discussion on the victories, lessons and future directions for mining communities with Professor Sonwabile Mnwana of Fort Hare University and Erica Emdon of Public Interest Practice.

Webinar details:

Date: 12 August 2021
Time: 11h30 – 12h30
Platform: Microsoft Teams

For media queries, please contact:

Nelisa Ngqulana
073 817 8017 /

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