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Market inquiry into private healthcare: important dates

Important dates to remember during the market inquiry into private healthcare:

20 May – 22 May: High Court hearing of the case between Netcare and KPMG and the Competition Commission, in the South Gauteng High Court in Johannesburg.

31 May: Competition Commission panel to release a draft statement of issues and administrative guidelines for comment. The statement of issues coveres the issues that the panel will look into. The following will be covered in the administrative guidelines –

  • treatment of confidential information;
  • procedural stages;
  • treatment of evidence;
  • non-compliance.

18 June: Next civil society meeting on the market inquiry.

30 June: Competition Commission to receive comments on the statement of issues and administrative guidelines

1 July – 31 July: Competition Commission will incorporate comments on the statement of issues and administrative guidelines.

1 August: The Competition Commission will publish a final statement of issues and administrative guidelines.

1 August: Call for submissions on the subject matter of the market inquiry.

1 August– 30 October: The Competition Commission will receive submissions on the subject matter of the inquiry.

1 November 2014 – 31 January 2015: Analysis of information.

1 March 2015 – 30 April 2015: Public hearings.

1 May 2015 – 31 July 2015: Analysis and targeted public hearings and information requests.

October 2015: Competition Commission to publish its provisional findings and recommendations.

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