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March 2022

Posts for March 2022

3 March 2022

Minerals and Energy Minister Gwede Mantashe does not agree with the findings of the commission of inquiry into state capture that there is reasonable suspicion that he had a corrupt relationship with Bosasa. Mantashe held a media briefing on Wednesday, the day after the third instalment of the commission’s report was made public, in which he defended his evidence before the commission, also stating that he was taking legal advice on pursuing a judicial review of the findings.

Bosasa: the case against Mantashe

4 March 2022

Despite poking holes in some of the evidence of former Bosasa COO Angelo Agrizzi, and questioning his motive for approaching the state capture commission with allegations of the company’s corrupt practices, chairperson Acting Chief Justice Raymond Zondo has found that it was mostly truthful and in line with the commission’s terms.

Some Agrizzi evidence flawed, but Zondo finds it largely credible

7 March 2022

Former Bosasa directors Papa Leshabane and Joe Gumede must be investigated for corruption in terms of the Prevention and Combating of Corrupt Activities Act (Precca), for their alleged involvement in creating the ANC elections “war room”, a facility Bosasa provided to the party ahead of the 2014 national election and the 2012 Mangaung elective conference.

Bosasa: ANC war room creators must face music

8 March 2022

Former national commissioner of the Department of Correctional Services (DCS) Linda Mti and former CFO Patrick Gillingham will have to face investigations under the Prevention and Combating of Corrupt Activities Act (Precca), as well as potential prosecution for their role in the corrupt contracts awarded irregularly to Bosasa from 2004.

Former DCS bosses benefited from Bosasa corruption, Zondo finds

10 March 2022

Cedrick Frolick and Vincent Smith acted out of line with their oath of office when they helped an embattled Bosasa resolve its negative publicity issues so that it could retain its irregular contracts with the state. The recommendation of the state capture commission is that the two face investigation of corruption for their conduct, which contravenes their constitutional responsibilities.

Bosasa: Frolick, Smith failed in their oversight role

11 March 2022

The state capture commission’s report on Bosasa has concluded that former president Jacob Zuma breached his constitutional responsibility by shielding the company from criminal investigation while it held irregular contracts with government. There is thus enough evidence to build a prima facie case of corruption against him in terms of the Prevention and Combating of Corrupt Activities Act.

Bosasa: Zuma failed to uphold constitutional duty

11 March 2022

Former cabinet minister Nomvula Mokonyane may not have been found by the state capture commission to have influenced decisions in government that favoured Bosasa, but she also did not satisfactorily explain why the company showered her with gifts and favours while she was in public office.

Mokonyane lied about Bosasa favours, Zondo finds

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