a[data-mtli~="mtli_filesize17MB"]:after {content:" (17 MB)"}a[data-mtli~="mtli_filesize6MB"]:after {content:" (6 MB)"}lang="en-GB"> Lack of accountability shows in MFMA audit results - Corruption Watch
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Lack of accountability shows in MFMA audit results

Released in Parliament last week by auditor-general (AG) Kimi Makwetu, the 2016-2017 local government audit results present a bleak picture. The AG attributes the overall deterioration in local municipality audit results and lack of compliance with the Municipal Finance Management Act (MFMA) to advice and warnings that were largely not heeded.

Part one of our new mini-series on local government audits addresses the most recent outcomes. In part two we will examine the proposed amendments to the Public Audit Act – these will finally see the AG’s office acquiring power to deal with culprits.

“The results are grim and make clear that the local government system in South Africa is failing,” says Phephelaphi Dube, director of the Centre for Constitutional Rights, in a statement.

Of South Africa’s 257 municipalities that were audited, only 16 improved while 45 slid backwards. Only 33 municipalities (13%) managed to produce quality financial statements and performance reports and complied with all key legislation‚ thus receiving a clean audit.

None of the municipalities in Free State, North West or Limpopo received a clean audit. In fact, only 13% of all municipalities received a clean audit – down from 20% in the previous period.

Five years after the AG’s office highlighted a lack of decisiveness in dealing with the lack of accountability, weaknesses in internal controls, and the risks that needed attention in local government, Makwetu says, not much has changed. “We are still faced with the same accountability and governance challenges we had flagged throughout these years.”

Lack of consequences, he says, is a large part of the reason why there is no significant progress towards better results, while a reversal in audit outcomes is painfully apparent.

MFMA main findings

Download the full report.

Download the executive summary.

AG to finally get teeth

However, there is a new development that will put Makwetu’s mind at rest regarding consequences and accountability. The National Assembly has approved amendments to the Public Audit Act (PAA), which will ensure that dishonest and corrupt public officials are held accountable, says Wouter Wessels, the FF Plus’s parliamentary spokesperson on finance, in a statement.

“Until now, a lack of accountability has been a major cause of fraud, corruption and misappropriation at public institutions.”

The amendments to the PAA will give the AG greater power to recover monies lost through financial mismanagement and corruption, among others.

See part two of our series, to be published next week, for more detail on these legislative amendments.

Hostile work environment

Furthermore, the MFMA report was released amid reports that some of Makwetu’s officials were threatened with their lives while doing their job.

The AG notes that the environment for auditing was becoming increasingly difficult. “The audit environment became more hostile with increased contestation of audit findings and pushbacks whereby our audit processes and the motives of our audit teams were questioned. At some auditees, pressure was placed on audit teams to change conclusions purely to avoid negative audit outcomes or the disclosure of irregular expenditure – without sufficient grounds.”

Other auditees used delaying tactics, failing to provide information and evidence when requested.

“If audit outcomes are not as desired,” Makwetu says, “energy should be directed to addressing the problem and not to coercing the auditors to change their conclusions.”

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