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June 2019

Posts for June 2019

3 June 2019

Former ANN7 editor Rajesh Sundaram described his role in helping to set up in 2013 what he called a television station for the “mafia” who just wanted to spew out propaganda to South Africans, as the biggest regret of his career. Sundaram started testifying at the Zondo Commission today.

ANN7 train wreck run by Number 9

3 June 2019

Recruited in India in 2013, Rajesh Sundaram was never even interviewed as is the requirement for visa applicants, and his application was largely expedited through Gupta associate Ashu Chawla, who had influence with the office of then president Jacob Zuma. Sundaram had his visa within a day of submitting the relevant documentation.

Visa laws flouted in favour of Gupta employee

5 June 2019

In determining the best choice of loans to fund the multi-billion-rand locomotives procurement project that was concluded in 2014, Transnet executives may have opted to use the concept of interest rate swaps strategically to the benefit of their loan fixers, among them Regiments.

Only loan fixers and banks benefited from Transnet’s interest rate swaps

6 June 2019

The latest former Transnet executive to testify before the commission of inquiry into state capture – Mathane Makgatho, who headed up the treasury unit – has laid bare the deliberate side-lining of her department during the locomotives procurement process, by then group CFO Anoj Singh.

Singh brushed aside concerns with Regiments’ role in Transnet procurement

6 June 2019

Former Transnet group treasurer Mathane Makgatho has told the commission of inquiry into state capture that she often butted heads with her former boss, Anoj Singh, on matters pertaining to project funding within the parastatal. In the lead-up to the acquisition of 1 054 locomotives in 2014 in particular, she would begin to see a pattern forming of the former group CFO deliberately undermining her role.

Singh defended Regiments’ intrusion on Transnet procurement processes

7 June 2019

In concluding her testimony before the commission of inquiry into state capture on Friday, former Transnet group treasurer Mathane Makgatho described a toxic environment that was so bad for her security and her health, it led to her resignation at the end of November 2014, just 20 months into the position.

Toxic Transnet environment drove people away

10 June 2019

Former Transnet chief information officer Makano Mosidi testified before the commission of inquiry into state capture on Monday that a memorandum signed by her, recommending that the parastatal award a data services contract to IT company T-Systems, was signed under duress, and while recommendations she had made had not been followed.

T-Systems awarded Transnet tender against CIO’s recommendation

10 June 2019

A Transnet board meeting in January 2017 that was to rubber-stamp a tender process for a data services contract ended up becoming an attack of the parastatal’s systems by former director Stanley Shane.

Transnet’s Gijima/T-Systems data services tender debacle

10 June 2019

The commission of inquiry into state capture on Monday heard how Siyabonga Gama cautioned a compromised former chief information officer of Transnet, Makano Mosidi, of the dangers of procurement, where one could endanger their life if not careful.

Transnet’s Siyabonga Gama to CIO: Procurement is a dangerous game

11 June 2019

The commission of inquiry into state capture heard on Tuesday how executives of telecommunications provider Neotel failed to dupe auditors Deloitte in 2015 when the latter picked up irregular payments to Gupta-linked company Homix, in relation to a R1.8-billion Transnet contract awarded to Neotel.

The dodgy dealings of Neotel and Transnet (with a little help from Homix)

12 June 2019

Former National Prosecuting Authority head Mxolisi Nxasana has told the commission of inquiry into state capture that he did not have to undergo an interview ahead of his appointment to the position in 2013. Nxasana is the first witness to have been called on the directive of chairperson Deputy Chief Justice Raymond Zondo.

No interview required for Nxasana appointment

12 June 2019

While on the face of it he was warmly welcomed to the position of national director of public prosecutions in October 2013, Mxolisi Nxasana has told the commission of inquiry into state capture that his predecessor, Advocate Nomgqobo Jiba, was waging an active campaign to have him removed.

NPA officials, including Jiba, manoeuvred to get rid of Nxasana

14 June 2019

What started out as a quest for South African Airways to secure a debt consolidation loan in 2015 became a case of gross flouting of its procurement processes, largely at the hands of its board. This has been the evidence of the financially unstable airline’s former treasurer, Cynthia Stimpel, whose objection to a board-proposed move to get the funding from the Free State Development Corporation led to her suspension in late 2016.

SAA board interfered in procurement processes

18 June 2019

Former SAA chief financial officer Phumeza Nhantsi says her initiation into the state-owned entity involved engaging formal processes in reverse, at the behest of a board that flouted procurement prescripts. Nhantsi told the commission of inquiry into state capture on Tuesday that she was used as a vehicle by other people to enrich themselves.

“Throughout this process, I did things in reverse”, former SAA CFO admits

19 June 2019

The former CFO of South African Airways, Phumeza Nhantsi, has told the commission of inquiry into state capture that she endured severe pressure from the airline’s then chairperson Dudu Myeni on the one hand and Masotsha Mngadi of BNP Capital on the other to sign off on an irregular cancellation fee for the company in 2016.

SAA’s former CFO feared for her job and life when dealing with Dudu Myeni

20 June 2019

The focus of the inquiry on Wednesday was a contract for handling services on behalf of SA Express at Mahikeng and Pilanesberg airports. Senior provincial and national politicians have been named at the commission of inquiry into state capture as alleged beneficiaries of an elaborate scheme to move money from the local carrier to the ruling party’s coffers.

SA Express money allegedly financed ANC political activities

24 June 2019

The commission of inquiry into state capture has been urged to consider recommending stricter regulation of
businesses involved in the regular movement of money to avoid loopholes used by money launderers and fraudsters.

Evidence leader says commission should seek stricter controls of cash industry

25 June 2019

A company contracted by South African Airways (SAA) in 2016 to provide fuel to some to some of its major route stations has failed to live up to its obligations to the national airline – despite being roped into SAA’s quest to achieve transformation by securing a portion of its fuel business for a black-owned entity.

SAA contractor’s role expanded without following procurement process

26 June 2019

Former South African Airways CEO Sizakele Mzimela told the commission of inquiry into state capture on Wednesday that former minister of public enterprises Malusi Gigaba’s tenure saw a breakdown of governance within the national airline.

Gigaba allowed SAA governance and communication to deteriorate

26 June 2019

Of all the issues that former public enterprises minister Malusi Gigaba preoccupied himself with at crisis-riddled
South African Airways a mere three months in office, the proposed closure of a route between Johannesburg and Mumbai, India was uppermost on his priority list. The proposal had come from a competitor on the route, India-based Jet Airways.

Decision on Mumbai route change seemingly made without SAA CEO’s knowledge

28 June 2019

Former Inline director Brandon King informed the commission by affidavit, to clarify a point in BNP director Daniel Mahlangu’s statement, that sole facilitator Masotsha Mngadi had asked BNP to use King’s details in the documentation, instead of Mngadi’s, to conceal his part in the process.

BNP facilitator’s conflict of interest concealed in SAA tender bid

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