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Jiba timeline: where did it all go wrong?

Advocate Nomgcobo Jiba

The reported reinstatement of fraud charges against former deputy national director of public prosecutions Nomgcobo Jiba represents a welcome move towards accountability for those who abuse their high-level positions. It also has important implications for the likes of Malusi Gigaba, who was also found to have lied under oath by denying he had given the Oppenheimer family’s Fireblade Aviation permission to operate a private terminal at OR Tambo International. Gigaba has thus far escaped any serious sanctions.

Back in 2012, Corruption Watch had barely opened its doors when Jiba appeared on our radar, initially in relation to the drawn-out Richard Mdluli case. At the time, in May 2012, she was the National Prosecuting Authority’s (NPA) acting national director, and the NPA’s Pretoria head Glynnis Breytenbach had just been controversially suspended.

There was much speculation around Breytenbach’s suspension, not least because she had opposed the dropping of charges against Mdluli, and he and Jiba had an apparently close working relationship. He came to her defence after then NPA head Mokotedi Mpshe suspended her in 2007 for allegedly assisting a police investigation against former NPA prosecutor Gerrie Nel, who was at the time Gauteng head of the now disbanded Scorpions, formally known as the NPA’s Directorate of Special Operations.

In neutralising Nel, Jiba’s intention was allegedly to protect then National Police Commissioner Jackie Selebi from arrest.

The former head of the Commercial Crime Unit, Lawrence Mrwebi – another controversial appointment – was also suspended with Jiba for action against Nel.

Since then Jiba has been in the news regularly, often for the wrong reasons. In 2016 she and Mrwebi were struck off the roll of advocates in a case brought by the General Council of the Bar – only for that decision to be set aside by the Supreme Court of Appeal (SCA). After former Bosasa COO Angelo Agrizzi made fresh allegations against her at the commission into state capture, she and Mrwebi were fired in April 2019.

But going back even further, Jiba was facing perjury charges and a trial in 2015 for allegedly trying to manufacture a conviction against former KwaZulu-Natal Hawks head Johan Booysen. He and others were charged with murder, racketeering and contravening the Prevention of Organised Crime Act, a case that was publicised in the Sunday Times in 2011.

While Jiba’s charges were withdrawn in 2015 shortly after then national director of public prosecutions (NDPP) Shaun Abrahams was appointed, Booysen had to wait until 2019 for Abrahams’ successor Shamila Batohi to drop his case.

The Sunday Times, meanwhile, which had reported with relish on the so-called Cato Manor death squad that fell under Booysen, hung its head in shame in 2018 and admitted it had been wrong.

Is Jiba an influential role model for career women, someone who was scapegoated for the wrongdoings of others, or is she in fact the engineer of her own downfall? She started off in the late 1980s as a prosecutor in the Peddie magistrate’s court, Eastern Cape, and about a decade later joined the Cape Town-based Qunta Ntsebeza Attorneys as a candidate attorney. She joined the Investigating Directorate for Serious Economic Offences, and when this evolved into the Scorpions Jiba became a deputy director of public prosecutions. In December 2010 she was appointed a deputy national director of public prosecutions (DNDPP) at the NPA.

In this timeline of her career, we focus on the aspects that have been relevant to our work, namely the spy tapes case, the Mdluli case, and the Booysen case. Jiba’s involvement in and handling of these three cases form the basis of much of the criticism and court judgments that have been levelled against her, as they call into question the attributes of integrity, accountability and transparency.

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