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January 2022

A mockup of the Zondo commission report part 1

Posts for January 2022

6 January 2022

Former South African Airways (SAA) chairperson Dudu Myeni and her fellow board member and counterpart at the airline’s subsidiary SAA Technical, Yakhe Kwinana, oversaw a state-owned entity riddled with corruption during their terms, and fuelled a culture of bullying, fear and purging of executives who did not agree with their agenda. These are the findings contained in the 874-page report released by President Cyril Ramaphosa on 4 January 2022, hours after it was submitted to him by the chairperson of the commission of inquiry into state capture, Acting Chief Justice Raymond Zondo.

SAA under Dudu Myeni was “the antithesis of accountability”

10 January 2022

From politicians to public officials and money launderers, the state capture commission wants swift action to be taken against those who benefited from what it calls an “elaborate corruption scheme”involving an airports project of the North West department of transport. The project was valued at over R400-million over five years from 2015.

Zondo calls for ‘swift’ action against SAX/NW project looters

12 January 2022

State capture commission chairperson, Acting Chief Justice Raymond Zondo, cites in his first report the February 2011 transfer of Themba Maseko from the position of CEO of the Government Communication and Information System (GCIS) to the Department of Public Service and Administration as one of the earliest acts of state capture by the Gupta family.

Maseko one of first casualties of state capture, says Zondo

12 January 2022

Despite his many refutations to allegations that he interfered in the operations of state-owned entities under his watch as minister of public enterprises between 2010 and 2014, Malusi Gigaba did in fact interfere in Eskom’s business dealings with Gupta-owned TNA Media. This is according to the state capture commission’s chairperson, Acting Chief Justice Raymond Zondo.

The facilitators and followers in the state capture project: Eskom

14 January 2022

The board of Eskom that took office in December 2014 will have to be investigated by law enforcement authorities to determine their culpability in the irregular and wasteful R43-million contract entered into between the power utility and Gupta-owned TNA Media to sponsor its business breakfasts.

Eskom board should be probed over TNA contracts, Zondo concludes

14 January 2022

Acting chief justice and state capture commission chairperson Raymond Zondo has found that just as was the case in Eskom, the now defunct TNA Media – formerly owned by the Gupta family – was favoured within Transnet for irregular contracts worth millions, despite there being no value for the parastatal and no proper procurement processes followed.

The facilitators and followers in the state capture project: Transnet

17 January 2022

South African Airways did not avoid the TNA Media contracts that continue to dog the legacies of fellow state-owned entities Transnet and Eskom. Evidence led before the state capture commission on the airline’s dealings with the Gupta-owned media company was narrowed to two witnesses – its former board chairs Cheryl Carolus and Vuyisile Kona.

The facilitators and followers in the state capture project: SAA

18 January 2022

The first of three editions of the state capture commission’s report – released to the public two weeks ago – has found that Sars was captured with the help of its one-time commissioner Tom Moyane and former president Jacob Zuma.

Zondo calls for public appointment process for future Sars heads

20 January 2022

Public procurement, although necessary for government to fulfil its service delivery mandate, is not without challenges. It needs urgent reform and for the legislation that governs it to be easily discernible and to work in harmony, and for those who oversee it to be fully accountable. These are some of the conclusions of the state capture commission’s first report.

Public procurement system not fit for purpose, says Zondo

20 January 2022

A national charter against corruption, a single anti-corruption agency and the professionalisation of public procurement. These are some of the recommended changes that state capture commission chairperson Acting Chief Justice (ACJ) Raymond Zondo has proposed.

Urgent public procurement reform needed, says Zondo

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