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January 2021

Posts for January 2021

11 January 2021

Gavin Craythorne, a long-term contractor to Alexkor, continued to testify on the mining joint venture between the state-owned mining company and the Alexander Bay community in the Northern Cape.

Alexkor audit and risk committee failed to do due diligence

11 January 2021

For the second session of the day, the Zondo commission heard Eskom-related evidence from the power utility’s acting senior manager for fuel resources, Dr Ayanda Nteta.

Manager pressured to conclude Tegeta deal

12 January 2021

Former Eskom senior manager Dr Ayanda Nteta told the Zondo commission that she did not tell anyone about the meetings with Tony Gupta because of trust issues within the company.

I did not divulge my meetings with Tony Gupta says Nteta-Final

13 January 2021

Former Eskom chief financial officer Anoj Singh has been spared tough questioning by the commission of inquiry into state capture, for now, thanks to a technical blunder by its legal team.

Legal blunder delays Singh evidence

13 January 2021

Transnet not only paid R95-million to a company owned by former cabinet minister Siphiwe Nyanda in an unlawful contract, but it dished out a further R20-million settlement after the company claimed reputational damage following a lawsuit to recover the money.

Nyanda scored twice with Transnet, despite unlawful contract

14 January 2021

Former acting director-general in the Department of Public Enterprises Matsietsi Mokholo told the commission of inquiry into state capture on Thursday that it was former Eskom CEO Brian Molefe who insisted on the secondment of Anoj Singh to the power utility in 2015.

Molefe wanted Singh with him at Eskom

15 January 2021 

The commission of inquiry into state capture was forced to stop proceedings after the lunch break on Friday after chairperson Deputy Chief Justice Raymond Zondo revealed that a staff member who works closely with him had tested positive for Covid-19.

Covid-19 exposure interrupts state capture hearing

25 January 2021

The commission of inquiry into state capture resumed its hearings on Monday after a week’s break, with the testimony of former cabinet minister Sydney Mufamadi.

Mufamadi kicks off intelligence evidence before Zondo

26 January 2021

The State Security Agency (SSA) was used for a number of years to fund ANC activities, in some cases in the lead up to elections, without any officials accounting for the resources looted.

Spooks ANC benefited from secret agency slush fund (1)

27 January 2021

Because of threats to the safety of State Security Agency (SSA) officials investigating alleged corruption by their former colleagues, a senior investigator testified in-camera before the commission of inquiry into state capture on Wednesday.

SSA probe found serious political interference, says investigator

28 January 2021

Former president Jacob Zuma will not only have to appear before the commission of inquiry into state capture when it orders him to do so, but will have to answer questions put to him by the evidence team. This is the order delivered on Thursday by the Constitutional Court.

ZConCourt says Zuma must face Zondo answer questions

29 January 2021

The commission of inquiry into state capture heard on Friday that the State Security Agency (SSA) was allegedly used to sabotage President Cyril Ramaphosa’s CR17 campaign ahead of the ANC elective conference in Nasrec in 2017. Furthermore, millions were withdrawn from the SSA in what appears on the surface to be an attempt to influence conference outcomes.

SSA used to sabotage CR17 in lead-up to Nasrec

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