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The Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC) is running a survey titled Attitudes towards the Zondo Commission and State Capture. The organisation says this is its final dedicated online survey on attitudes towards the Zondo commission. The survey also asks for thoughts on the protection of whistle-blowers, and on cadre deployment.

“The survey is about society’s views of the Zondo Commission process, reports and the implications for corruption in the country. We would appreciate it if you could complete the survey. Your responses will help evaluate the Commission process and report recommendations on allegations of state capture, corruption, and fraud from a public perspective.”

Anyone can take part and because the survey is conducted on a data-free platform which will not use your data, and furthermore is completely anonymous, we urge you to share your thoughts and feelings on this vital topic. Public participation is a crucial element of democracy.

What taking part involves

  • It will take about 20 minutes to complete.
  • Participating is voluntary, and you can stop at any time.
  • Your information is anonymous and confidential.
  • The HSRC does not collect personal information that may identify you.

The HSRC’s Research Ethics Committee has approved the survey.

Direct any questions, concerns or complaints about this study to Dr. Ben Roberts, principal investigator, at or Dr. Jarè Struwig at