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Honouring Gauteng’s top graft-busting cop

We award our hero title this week posthumously to slain top cop and corruption-buster Major-General Tirhani Maswanganyi, who was found dead near his house in Hammanskraal in the early hours of Tuesday morning, 18 June 2013.

Gauteng police spokesperson Brigadier Neville Malila said the cause of death is unknown and they are waiting for the post-mortem results which will reveal how he was killed. There were no gunshot wounds on his body, but his hands and feet were tied when his body was discovered in a veld no far from his abandoned Isuzu bakkie.

The Star reported on Wednesday that Maswanganyi’s death could have been a hit as he had been working on investigations involving police officers and he was responsible for arresting many corrupt cops over the years.

The murder of Maswanganyi, who was a commander of eight police stations in Gauteng, is being treated as been a hit as he had been working on highly sensitive investigations involving police officers, and had been responsible for arresting many corrupt cops over the years, The Star reported this week.

Gauteng police spokesperson Brigadier Neville Malila told Corruption Watch that the Major-General, who was a commander of eight police stations in Gauteng, was an exemplary police officer who was hard, but firm in his approach to his work.

“He was strong and vocal, especially about issues of corruption,” said Malila.

“He was strong and vocal especially about issues of corruption,” said Malila.

“It’s a major loss for us, you can’t replace 31 years of experience.”

Police Minister Nathi Mthethwa said Maswanganyi’s death was a loss to the country and he condemned the killing of police officers as it hindered South Africa’s fight against crime.

For his fearless battle against corruption within the ranks of the police, a scourge Corruption Watch is alerted to almost weekly, Maswanganyi gets a heroes’ farewell.

We award our hero title this week posthumously to slain top cop and corruption-buster Major-General Tirhani Maswanganyi, who was found dead near his house in Hammanskraal on Tuesday 18 June 2013. For his fearless battle against corruption within the ranks of the police, a scourge Corruption Watch is alerted to almost weekly, Maswanganyi gets a heroes’ farewell.
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