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Fifa: Sepp Blatter, Michel Platini and Jerome Valcke suspended

Fifa has provisionally suspended its president Sepp Blatter, secretary general Jerome Valcke and vice-president Michel Platini for 90 days. The punishments were handed out by the ethics committee of football’s world governing body, which is investigating the three over corruption allegations. –

World Bank urged to investigate alleged corruption involving Hitachi

The opposition Democratic Alliance on Wednesday 7 October urged the World Bank to investigate alleged unlawful activity in influencing the awarding of contracts by South African state-run electricity utility Eskom to Japanese Hitachi Ltd. – News Ghana

Canada gold miner under DOJ and SEC investigation for West Africa payments

Kinross Gold Corp. said in a statement Friday that it is under investigation for corruption in West Africa by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission and the Justice Department. The company said it received SEC and DOJ subpoenas related to possible internal control deficiencies and improper payments to government officials. – The FCPA Blog

Malaysia’s royals make unprecedented call for action on corruption

Malaysia’s royal rulers have called for a quick, transparent investigation into troubled state-fund 1Malaysia Development Berhad, in rare comments from the monarchy that presents a new challenge to the prime minister, Najib Razak, as he fends off corruption allegations. The fund, whose advisory board is chaired by the prime minister, has amassed debt of more than $11bn and is at the centre of a political storm after allegations of graft and mismanagement. – The Guardian

Ex-UN General Assembly head, five others face US bribery case

US authorities charged a former president of the UN General Assembly, a billionaire Macau real estate developer and four others on Tuesday 6 October for engaging in a wide-ranging corruption scheme. John Ashe, a former UN ambassador from Antigua and Barbuda who was general assembly president from 2013 to 2014, was accused in a complaint filed in federal court in New York of taking more than $1.3-million in bribes from Chinese businessmen, including developer Ng Lap Seng. – Reuters

Hong Kong’s former leader Donald Tsang charged over corruption allegations

The Independent Commission Against Corruption says former chief executive faces two counts of misconduct in public office. Hong Kong’s former leader Donald Tsang was Monday 5 October charged with misconduct during his time in office the latest high-profile corruption case to hit the city. Tsang ended his term in disgrace in June 2012 after admitting to accepting gifts from tycoons in the form of trips on luxury yachts and private jets, but insisted there was no conflict of interest. – The Guardian

Democracy in Brazil: Court launches investigation into “corrupt” President

Brazilians have had enough of endemic and rampant corruption. Led by a group of lawyers and incorruptible public servants, they want to excise the biggest fish of all, President Dilma Rousseff. After a number of attempts to launch an impeachment process 63% of the nation wants, those after the “corrupt” president – who chaired State oil company Petrobras during its worst period of bribery and payoffs – appear to have now found their vehicle. –

Where Will China’s Anti-Graft Campaign Go?

The Chinese government’s anti-graft campaign, aimed at weeding out corrupt government officials, has been criticized for hindering economic growth and seen as an excuse to crack down on political opponents. – Global Voices