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Global corruption snapshots: 20 Nov 2014

Portugal Interior Minister quits over corruption probe

Portugal's interior minister has resigned following an investigation into alleged corruption linked to the allocation of residence permits. Miguel Macedo said he was not implicated in the scandal but was resigning to preserve the credibility of state institutions. Police arrested 11 people, including the head of the country's immigration service, on

Modi's transparency agenda triggers India Inc's war against corruption

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi's clean and transparent governance agenda has triggered a new-found urgency in the efforts of corporate India to curb corruption in their operations, even as experts seek exemplary actions from his government against graft-wielding crony firms to spur a larger cultural shift away from shady B2B and business-to-government transactions. – Economictimes

China’s aid to Africa funds corruption: report

China’s "no strings attached" aid is being abused by some African leaders who channel the lion’s share of funds to their home areas, US-led researchers found in the first geo-referenced database of Chinese aid to the world’s poorest continent.

China is a favoured donor for many African presidents, weary of the conditions attached to western aid, ranging from combatting corruption to respecting gay rights. China’s policy of non-interference means it rarely intervenes in domestic issues. This makes it easy for corrupt politicians to use Chinese aid to reward political supporters, rather than direct it to the areas most in need. –BDLive

Nigeria chief justice opposes special corruption courts

The Senate this week screened and confirmed the nomination of Justice Mahmud Mohammed of the Supreme Court as the new Chief Justice of Nigeria (CJN).

Mohammed was nominated by President Goodluck Jonathan last week in accordance with the recommendation of the National Judicial Council and will take over from the outgoing CJN Justice Aloma Mukhtar who retires tomorrow. –

Anger over missing students, corruption grows in Mexico

A day that's supposed to celebrate the anniversary of a revolution is instead turning into one of mass protests against political corruption and outrage over violence that probably left 43 missing students dead.

"There's a feeling of being fed up that's been building for some time," said law student Esteban Santillán, 24, who marched in Mexico City last month. The case of the missing students "is the best example of the rot that there is in the country's political class." – USAToday

World Cup bid corruption whistleblower: I feared for my life and have been offered FBI protection

Phaedra Al-Majid says she has had a turbulent time since being identified as helping with the investigation into the 2018 and 2022 World Cup bidding process. – UKTelegraph

Morocco schools join anti-corruption campaign

Morocco is bringing puppet shows and comics to schools, as part of a new project to raise awareness about the dangers of corruption.

Abdesselam Aboudrar, president of the Central Authority for the Prevention of Corruption, is confident that the initiative launched on October 21st will help foster a culture of ethics and integrity among young people throughout the kingdom. –


Morocco is bringing puppet shows and comics to schools, as part of a new project to raise awareness about the dangers of corruption.
Abdesselam Aboudrar, president of the Central Authority for the Prevention of Corruption, is confident that the initiative launched on October 21st will help foster a culture of ethics and integrity among young people throughout the kingdom.
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