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Global corruption snapshots: 20 August 2015

He exposed corruption. Now he’s dead

Mexican photojournalist Rubén Espinosa was found tortured and murdered, along with human rights activist Nadia Vera and three other women. –

Election voices: Sri Lankans’ hopes for their nation

Voting for new parliament closes, in virtual referendum on former leader Mahinda Rajapaksa’s comeback bid. – Al Jazeera

Corruption scam in Kenya’s traffic courts uncovered

Chief Justice Willy Mutunga says the judiciary will soon release a booklet that will help motorists understand guidelines and help in sealing some of the loopholes that are being used to fleece the government. –

Why President Buhari’s fight against corruption must continue – APC

BLOG: Last week, one of Nigeria’s prominent clergies Bishop Mathew Kukah made headlines and sparked a social media controversy for saying the anti-corruption probe by President Muhammadu Buhari was a distraction to good governance. This statement was not well received by members of the ruling All People Congress (APC) party, and a statement was promptly released by the party’s national publicity secretary, Alhaji Lai Mohammed to address the issue. –

Canadian government faces widening corruption scandal as election looms

Opposition says bribery and fraud trial of conservative senator has revealed top staff in prime minister Stephen Harper’s office tried to keep lid on expenses affair. – The Guardian

How the United States makes corruption in Africa worse

A year ago, the United States banded together with African governments to stop criminals and corrupt officials from evading taxes and stealing public funds. But already, that effort is floundering. – Open Society Foundation

Ex-South Korean prime minister to go to prison over bribery

A former South Korean prime minister will be sent to prison after the country’s top court upheld her bribery conviction, court officials said Thursday. – New York Times

A central American spring? Fury at corruption sparks mass demonstrations

Light from thousands of bamboo torches cuts through the gathering darkness in Tegucigalpa, Honduras’s capital. The protesters who carry them call their demonstrations marchas de las antorchas (torch marches). They have been taking place weekly at dusk since May. Their purpose: to rail against what participants see as grotesque corruption at the highest levels of government. “We can’t take it any more,” says Yelso Serna, a salesman who has marched three times. – The Economist

Two ex-ministers arrested in Burkina Faso corruption investigation

Two former ministers in the government of Burkina Faso’s toppled leader Blaise Compaore have been arrested as part of a corruption investigation, the state prosecutor said on Wednesday. – Reuters

Russia: Vladimir Putin may be tiring of corrupt cronies running down Russian SOEs

Vladimir Yakunin seemed eternal: Nothing he could do appeared to undermine his standing in the system President Vladimir Putin has built to run Russia. Yet now he is leaving the top job at the national railroad monopoly, after 10 years of mismanaging it. –

Fraud costs UK companies an estimated £103-billion per year

Fraud cost UK FTSE-listed companies an estimated £103.23 billion ($161-billion) in 2013–14, according to a report by PKF Littlejohn and the Centre for Counter Fraud Studies at the University of Portsmouth. –

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