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Global corruption snapshots: 16 July 2015

Greece is a victim of its own cronyism and corruption

Why is Greece so different and why does the government of Alexis Tsipras send such mixed messages towards Europe? Many people believe that the origins of Greece’s problems lie in its four-century domination by the Ottomans, which meant that it missed defining moments in European history, such as the Renaissance, the Reformation and the Industrial Revolution, and is following a highly personal and informal model of government that suits an absolutist ruler but which is incompatible with the professional state that is dominated by the rule of law – and is a requirement for being a member of the EU. – The Telegraph

Corruption bleeds Malawi’s wobbling economy

Malawi is in the news for bad reasons yet again. On June 25, the government was forced to release through Parliament a damning report that indicated that the country could not account for tens of billions of kwacha, the country’s currency. –

Pope Francis calls corruption the ‘gangrene of society’

Pope Francis put into practice his call for the world’s poor and powerless not to be left on the margins of society by visiting a flood-prone slum and insisting that the Catholic Church be a place of welcome for all. – Daily Mail UK

Romania PM charged in corruption probe

Romania’s Prime Minister was charged with forging documents and serving as an accessory to tax evasion and money laundering, further tarnishing the image of the former communist country as it struggles to shake off a reputation for corruption. – Al Jazeera

WikiLeaks attacked by judge over corruption case

An Australian judge has accused WikiLeaks​ of “a clear and deliberate breach of the law” with its online publication last year of a suppression order issued to prevent world leaders being named in a corruption case. – Sidney Morning Herald

Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak denies corruption claims

Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak has pointed to his famous predecessor Mahathir Mohamad as the likely source of allegations that implicate him in an Australian corruption scandal. – Sidney Morning Herald

New anti-corruption law in Thailand extends death penalty to foreigners

Previous legislation allowed the death penalty for Thai officials convicted of bribery, though apparently no one was ever executed for the crime. – The Guardian

Jackie Chan calls America ‘most corrupt country in the world’

He may enjoy a Hollywood payday now and then, but that doesn’t stop Jackie Chan from criticizing America. The martial arts star called the US the ‘most corrupt’ country in the world during a recent interview on a Hong Kong television show. – Daily Mail UK

US Soccer CEO had ‘general feeling’ about Fifa corruption

In one of the more awkward moments during Wednesday’s Senate subcommittee hearing on the governance and integrity of Fifa, witness Dan Flynn, the US Soccer Federation’s CEO and secretary general, paused for 21 seconds to muster an answer to Sen. Richard Blumenthal’s blunt question. – WorldLink

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