
Launch of the Veza tool for increased police transparency and accountability

Corruption Watch invites members of the media to the launch of the Veza Tool. Join the event online on Wednesday, 17 February 2021 at 10h00. The Veza Tool aims to assist activists, researchers, journalists, and the public at large in demanding better and more accountable policing in South Africa.

Online training – Investigating the health sector: red flags in public procurement and public spending

Corruption Watch in collaboration with the Open Contracting Partnership (OCP) is inviting journalists to participate in our training on open contracting as a tool for transparency and accountability in governance. Given the wide-spread corruption in Covid-related procurement that has been identified by the media, this is an appropriate time to discuss greater transparency and accountability […]

Webinar: Covid-19 Vaccines and Human Rights Challenges

The one-year ‘unwanted anniversary’ of COVID-19 restrictions The Dullah Omar Institute is convening a webinar-series marking the one-year ‘unwanted anniversary’ of COVID-19 restrictions. As part of this initiative, the Applied Constitutional Study Laboratory and the Socio-Economic Rights Project at the Dullah Omar Institute, University of the Western Cape invite you to a webinar on Covid-19 […]

Webinar: Understanding local government

In 2021, Corruption Watch will embark on a public mobilisation campaign that focuses on corruption at a local government level. With local government elections coming up later in the year, it is vital for people to know how local government should work and what role they can play in holding it to account. Join Corruption […]

Webinar: Critical reflections on the Mafereka commission and the Bapo ba Mogale case

The North West Government has ignored all calls to release the findings of a commission of inquiry into traditional leadership claims, chaired by Joe Mafereka (Mafereka Commission). The Bapo Ba Mogale Traditional community is directly affected by this lack of transparency, which amounts to clear abuse of power by the North West Government. Join us […]

Webinar: Corruption in Uniform – a focus on police brutality

Increased public discussion and debate is currently taking place on the state of policing in South Africa. This was brought on by the flagrant abuse of power by police during the Covid-19 national lockdown, violence experienced during the #FeesMustFall campaign, as well as the global spotlight placed on policing by the #BlackLivesMatter movement. Join Corruption […]