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Webinar: Corruption in South Africa’s asylum system

17 September 2020 @ 9:00 am 10:30 am

Join Lawyers for Human Rights (LHR), with Corruption Watch and the Scalabrini Centre of Cape Town, for a webinar on long-standing corruption revealed at all stages of the asylum process, specifically with regard to the functioning of refugee reception offices. The webinar follows the release on Tuesday 15 September of a report by the three organisations, titled Costly Protection: Corruption in South Africa’s asylum system.. From an individual’s first attempt to lodge an asylum claim, to renewing documentation, through appeal processes, and in renewing refugee documentation, the system exploits and abuses applicants without compassion or mercy.

Speakers include Sharon Ekambaram of LHR; Karam Singh, head of Corruption Watch’s legal and investigations unit; Sally Gandar of the Scalabrini Centre; and Charnė Tracey of LHR.

RSVP to charne@lhr.org.za, who will provide you with a link to the Zoom meeting.