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CW welcomes Bongo arrest and commends whistleblower

Corruption Watch welcomes the arrest of Bongani Bongo, ANC Member of Parliament and former minister of state security. Bongo is alleged to have offered a bribe to a parliamentary official, Advocate Ntuthuzelo Vanara. At the time Advocate Vanara was evidence leader in the parliamentary investigation of Eskom. It is alleged that Bongo had offered him a bribe in order to compromise the investigation.

David Lewis, executive director of Corruption Watch, commented: “There can surely be no more heinous act of political corruption than a sitting MP and cabinet minister offering a bribe to an officer of Parliament specifically in order to undermine Parliament’s core function of holding the executive to account. If Bongo is convicted we trust he will face the full might of the law.”

Such a prospect might also serve to induce Bongo to reveal the others who may have conspired with him in the appalling conduct in which he is alleged to have engaged, Lewis added.

Corruption Watch has commended Advocate Vanara for blowing the whistle on Bongo’s alleged conduct. It has called on the ANC to remove Bongo from Parliament immediately.

“While we welcome the Hawks’ investigation and prosecution of Bongo, the real hero is Advocate Vanara, a true officer of the court and a person of integrity,” Lewis said. “The institution that comes out worst in this whole sordid saga is the governing party, the ANC. Bongo already had this massive cloud hanging over him when he was placed on the ANC parliamentary list. Salt was then rubbed into the wound by making him chair of the important Home Affairs portfolio committee.

There are many more like him serving in Parliament, said Lewis, and they too should be removed.

Media contact:

Patience Mkosana Cell: 072 992-8380 E-mail:

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