Site icon Corruption Watch

CW urges public to have their say on PP candidates

12 August 2016

The interviews of all 14 short-listed candidates for the post of public protector were conducted yesterday by the Parliamentary ad hoc committee running well into the early hours of the morning. Corruption Watch has launched an online voting tool for the public to indicate which is their preferred candidates.

The results of this voting poll will be made available on the Corruption Watch website and will inform the committee of public opinion around the candidates considered to be most suitable for the position.  While the decision rests with the ad hoc committee, submissions by Corruption Watch have played a role in providing useful information about candidates in the lead up to the interviews.

The ad hoc committee is to announce a date for their deliberation of the candidates over the next two weeks, as the final selected candidate must be submitted to the National Assembly on 31 August 2016. The National Assembly will then vote on the candidate, who must obtain a 60% majority, prior to submitting the name to the president to approve and appoint.

To vote online, visit the following link:


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