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CW urges public participation in selecting new protector

Following the recent announcement of the nominated candidates for the post of public protector by Parliament’s ad hoc committee, Corruption Watch urges the public to participate in the appointment process by endorsing or raising objections to candidates by 16h00 on 8 July 2016.

The ad hoc committee placed adverts in newspapers across the country, calling upon members of the public to nominate suitable candidates for the position.

Earlier this year, Corruption Watch launched its Bua Mzansi campaign to ensure that the process of selecting a new public protector is transparent, participatory, and in line with the Constitution.

The public is required to send their comments or submissions to the secretary of the ad hoc committee, Vhonani Ramaano (, or to Kavisha Pillay at Corruption Watch (, who will then forward the submissions to the committee.

Submissions cannot be anonymous as a follow-up process is required to ensure that the information provided is credible. The names and CVs of candidates can be accessed via Parliament’s website and social media platforms, or the Corruption Watch website.

The public’s contribution to this stage of the process is crucial as it provides an opportunity for information to be brought to light about specific candidates, and to heighten public engagement around this critical appointment.

A total of 73 nominations and applications were received, although seven of these nominated candidates declined and 5 were unreachable, bringing the total to 59.

For further information visit Corruption Watch‘s Bua Mzansi mini-site or access the following hashtags: #BuaMzansi or #PublicProtector2016.

Media contact:

Patience Mkosana
mobile: 072 992-8380, e-mail

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