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Corruption Watch will release the sixth edition of its half-yearly report, the Analysis of Corruption Trends (ACT), on Wednesday 14 September 2022.

The report will highlight the intersection of corruption in the public and private sectors, the struggles faced by those advocating for anti-corruption practices and in particular, the hardships experienced by ordinary persons who blow the whistle on corruption in both sectors.

The ACT report is an experiential portrait of how corruption manifests in South African businesses, the police service, government departments and agencies, schools, hospitals and clinics, and communities at large. It highlights cases brought to the organisation by brave whistle-blowers, people who risk their lives and livelihoods to reveal the dodgy dealings of politicians, administrators, and businesspersons.

The types of corruption that emerge in the report include:

  • Fraud
  • Abuse of authority
  • Maladministration
  • Procurement irregularities; and
  • Bribery and extortion.

The report will be released as follows:

Date: Wednesday, 14 September 2022
Time: 09h00
Platform: Corruption Watch website

For media enquiries contact:

Oteng Makgotlwe

Cell: 076 473 8336 / E-mail: