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Corruption Watch and the Treatment Action Campaign to wait until the end of the year for the Special Investigation Unit to complete its investigation in to the Gauteng Health Department

Late last year, the Special Investigations Unit (SIU) denied Corruption Watch (CW) and the Treatment Action Campaign (TAC) access to any information gathered during the course of its investigation into the Gauteng Health Department.

According to the SIU, the investigation is at an advanced and sensitive stage; is massively voluminous, one report has already been submitted to President Zuma, and five matters have been referred to relevant prosecutorial authorities. The SIU also concede that the investigation is understaffed.

In January 2013, CW and the TAC announced their intention to challenge the SIU’s refusal of access to information in court.

CW and the TAC have now taken advice from Senior Counsel, and have taken a decision to rely, in good faith, on the SIU’s advices that it will complete its investigation by the end of 2013.

“We now await the completion of the SIU’s investigation into the Gauteng Health Department. Once complete, we will respond to the findings. In the meantime, we will request information from the Gauteng Health Department on the contracts awarded that are under investigation. The public is entitled to know how money is spent or misspent, especially by a Department who is mandated to provide quality healthcare.” says David Lewis, Executive Director of Corruption Watch.

For more information contact:

TAC:  Sibongile Tshabalala, TAC Gauteng Chairperson, 074 471 6319

Corruption Watch: David Lewis, Executive Director, 082 576 3748

View this press release as a PDF here.


Corruption Watch and the Treatment Action Campaign to wait until the end of the year for the Special Investigation Unit to complete its investigation in to the Gauteng Health Department.