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CW scrutinises AG hopefuls and submits results to parly

The short list for the upcoming position of auditor-general (AG) was announced at the beginning of August. Current AG Kimi Makwetu ends his distinguished term of office on 30 November, and the six candidates to replace him are:

The interviews are taking place today in Johannesburg. “The whole nation is looking up to us to ensure that we execute our mandate without fear, favour and prejudice,” said Nokuzola Tolashe, chairperson of the parliamentary ad hoc committee to oversee the appointment of the new AG, at the opening of today’s proceedings. “We have to ensure that our process is transparent, open and just.”

Corruption Watch (CW) has monitored this process from the start, just as we have monitored appointment processes for the public protector, deputy public protector, national police commissioner, and head of the Independent Police Investigative Directorate, among others.

“Members of the public have a constitutional right to participate in parliamentary processes that seek to uphold and strengthen the pillars of South Africa’s democracy,” said Kavisha Pillay, head of CW’s stakeholder and campaigns unit. “Chapter 9 bodies, such as the Auditor-General’s office, play a vital oversight role in protecting the public purse.”

Pillay, who has overseen our campaigns for openness, fairness, transparency and public participation in the recent appointments to top positions in Chapter 9 and other bodies, said it is in everyone’s interest that as the public we participate and get involved in the processes to appoint leaders to key crime- and corruption-fighting institutions. In this way we will ensure that these agencies are equipped with the best possible leadership to tackle widespread corruption in the country.

On 14 August we submitted results of our desktop vetting of the candidates to the ad hoc committee. We emphasised that our screening was based only on the CVs that were issued on Parliament’s website, as well as information within the public domain. We did not verify any of the candidates’ educational qualifications, but assessed their suitability for the position in terms of their experience, compliance with criteria, and professional accomplishments.

“The AG has to be experienced, fit and proper – but also be able to act without fear, favour or prejudice,” Pillay concluded.

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