a[data-mtli~="mtli_filesize3MB"]:after {content:" (3 MB)"}a[data-mtli~="mtli_filesize896kB"]:after {content:" (896 kB)"}lang="en-GB"> CW handbook on SGB elections now available - Corruption Watch
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CW handbook on SGB elections now available

Download our new handbook which will help you to make the right choices in the upcoming school governing body elections.

There are over 24 000 public schools across South Africa, and from Friday 6 March to Saturday 28 March, each one will go to the polls to elect school governing bodies (SGBs) to oversee the running of the schools for the next three years.  

The national SGB elections are a joint effort by the national Department of Basic Education (DBE), provincial education departments and SGB bodies. 

It is vital that parents and community members know exactly what is required of an SGB, and how they should work – so that if the SGB does not perform as it should, they can hold it accountable. As the saying goes, knowledge is power, and a knowledgeable parent body will have the confidence and the competence to ensure that the SGB acts according to the rules and in the best interests of the school and the children.

The Federation of Governing Bodies of South African School has published national guidelines on the SGB elections, as well as more specific regulations and guidelines pertaining to every province.

Corruption Watch has also published an information booklet which will help parents to ensure that the right people and processes are in place for children to receive the education they deserve. This handbook will answer all the questions that you need to know about SGBs, their roles and responsibilities, how to spot corruption in the SGB and what to do about it, and participating in the 2015 SGB elections.

Download our handbook in PDF format, or go to Issuu to read it online.



Corruption Watch’s new information booklet on school governing bodies will help parents by answering questions about SGBs, their roles and responsibilities, how to spot corruption in the SGB and what to do about it, and participating in the 2015 SGB elections. Download or read it today!
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