a[data-mtli~="mtli_filesize825kB"]:after {content:" (825 kB)"}lang="en-GB"> Corruption Watch is hiring! - Corruption Watch
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Corruption Watch is hiring!

We're currently advertising three available posts at Corruption Watch – (1) Data and Analysis Manager, (2) Journalist and (3) Communications Officer. Apply by submitting a covering letter motivating your application for the position, a detailed CV, three contactable references and, in the case of application (2), two examples of published print articles (preferably investigative or in-depth analytical features). Send applications to Mr Aadil Vally, operations manager, email: admin@corruptionwatch.org.za, fax (011) 447 2696 or post PO Box 113 Parklands 2121. Closing date: 6 August 2012.

See job spec PDF here


We’re currently advertising three posts at Corruption Watch – (1) Data and Analysis Manager, (2) Journalist and (3) Communications Officer. Apply by submitting a covering letter motivating your application for the position, a detailed CV, three contactable references and, in the case of application (2), two examples of published print articles (preferably investigative or in-depth analytical features). Send applications to Mr Aadil Vally, operations manager, email: admin@corruptionwatch.org.za, fax (011) 447 2696 or post PO Box 113 Parklands 2121. Closing date: 6 August 2012.
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