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Corruption and the wildlife trade

Veterinarian Mark Jones, currently programmes manager for wildlife at the UK’s Born Free Foundation, says that corruption is a huge threat to the safety of our fauna, as it facilitates the illegal trade in animal parts, especially sought-after items such as elephant ivory and rhino horns. This letter, written by him, was published in Daily Maverick in December 2014.

Andreas Wilson-Spath's article "Home-grown corruption is killing Africa's rhinos and elephants", which appeared in November in the Daily Maverick, raises a vital issue which is often brushed under the carpet when it comes to the crisis threatening so many of the world's iconic wild species.

The multi-billion-dollar illegal wildlife trade is facilitated by corruption at every point along often labyrinthine trade routes, robbing animals of their lives, and people of their heritage, economic opportunities, and social and political well-being.

With the exception of South Sudan, all of the African countries identified in Wilson-Spath's article are parties to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (Cites), and most are also signatories to the Declaration on Illegal Wildlife Trade signed in London in February 2014, and which inter alia committed them to addressing corruption.

Yet corruption at all levels of policy and law enforcement remains a massive issue, and unless it is urgently and effectively addressed, curbing the illegal wildlife trade remains a distant goal.

Lack of law enforcement encourages corruption

Wilson-Spath focuses on accusations of corruption in a number of African range states for some of the affected species, but the countries through which wildlife products are transited, and those for which they are ultimately destined, are also implicated. In a recent report commissioned by wildlife protection organisation Born Free US, corruption along international shipping routes was identified as a major factor facilitating ivory trafficking.

In November 2013, the London-based Environmental Investigation Agency identified corruption among Chinese officials as a factor in the trafficking of large quantities of ivory from Tanzania to China. These examples represent the tip of a very large iceberg.

The article rightly identifies a lack of rigorous enforcement of international and national law as an important factor contributing to the current crisis. In addition, both international and domestic trade bans on the likes of ivory and rhino horn must be established and upheld, and efforts by some to legalise trade in such products, promoted predominantly by those with most to gain financially, rigorously opposed. Legal trade fuels corruption, provides opportunities to launder illegal products, confuses consumers, makes law enforcement infinitely more difficult, and inevitably plays into the hands of the criminal networks controlling the poaching and trafficking.

Since the most recent Cites-approved one-off sale of over 100 tons of ivory stockpiles from Namibia, Botswana, South Africa and Zimbabwe to China and Japan in 2008, the slaughter of elephants has reached levels not seen for decades. Over 100 000 of Africa's remaining elephants are thought to have been killed by poachers in the past three years alone, destroying whole populations.

Despite being the major destination for the legal ivory, around 90% of the ivory currently on sale in China is thought to have been obtained illegally, largely from poaching. The legal sale, while well-intentioned, has done nothing to stem the slaughter.

South Africa is currently considering whether to apply for permission to sell its stockpiled rhino horn at the next big Cites meeting in 2016 (which, incidentally, South Africa will host); such a move would be disastrous for the world's rhinos and South Africa must be dissuaded from going down this route.

Zero tolerance, tough measures needed to eliminate wildlife corruption

Dealing with corruption is no easy task, and will require huge collective political will. If the pressure on species such as elephants, rhino, pangolins, big cats and others that are most affected by illegal wildlife trade is to be reduced, then a zero tolerance approach is urgently needed.

Corruption at all levels needs to be rooted out, whistleblowers protected, assets forfeited, and the use of diplomatic immunity by culprits eliminated. The full force of international law must be brought to bear, and the sanctions available to the likes of Cites used to their maximum extent against countries which consistently fail to uphold their commitments.

If the international community doesn't get tough on corruption, and soon, then many of the world's best-known wildlife species face a bleak future.


Corruption is a huge threat to the safety of our fauna, as it facilitates illegal trade in animal parts, especially sought-after items such as elephant ivory and rhino horns, writes Mark Jones, a veterinarian who is currently programmes manager for wildlife at the UK’s Born Free Foundation.
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