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Civil society demands accountability for Covid-19 corruption

We, the undersigned organisations, express our disappointment and anger over reports of widespread corruption involving funds meant to deal with the Covid-19 pandemic.

It is troubling that in Gauteng alone, some 91 companies who received purchase orders from the Department of Health, are under investigation.

We commend the Gauteng provincial government’s decision to give priority to a Special Investigating Unit (SIU) probe into personal protective equipment (PPE) procurement processes.

We also welcome today’s statements by Premier David Makhura indicating that health MEC Bandile Masuku has been placed on leave pending investigation, in light of media allegations involving Royal Bhaca and an alleged PPE contract.

We acknowledge that the Premier has requested a support team from the national Department of Health to assist the province, as Gauteng reaches its peak infection rate and MEC Jacob Mamabolo takes over in an acting position from MEC Masuku. ‘Covidpreneurship’ is occurring at the same time that millions of South Africans are facing job losses and increased poverty. There are harrowing stories daily of malnutrition; of retrenchments, business closures and of communities being unable to access healthcare and other services.

Our country has had to borrow money from the IMF to deal with the crisis. Yet, for the ruthless ‘covidpreneur’, and those within state and other institutions who enable corruption, this is simply an opportunity to exploit the situation.

These are people who are unashamed about stealing money meant for protective gear for nurses and doctors, for food parcels for the poor, for workers who find themselves unemployed, for hospitals which require beds and ventilators, for schools that need to ensure that pupils still learn, and for communities in desperate need of services. Covid-19 corruption makes us sick!

It is within this context that we call on the Gauteng provincial government to do the following:

We urge the Gauteng provincial government to give serious consideration to these recommendations and set the tone that corruption will not be tolerated. We also enjoin other provinces to adopt measures such as these to prevent and tackle Covid-19 corruption within their administrations.

Similar recommendations were made by civil society organisations early on in the pandemic to the Presidency to prevent the very situation that we now find ourselves in. We strongly believe that action must follow President Cyril Ramaphosa’s commitments to crack down on Covid-19 corruption for the public to be convinced that government is indeed intent on tackling the problem.

Signed by:
Ahmed Kathrada Foundation
Corruption Watch
Freedom Under Law
Johannesburg Against Injustice
Organisation Undoing Tax Abuse
Patriotic Movement
South African Communist Party – Gauteng Province
Section 27

For media inquiries contact:

Neeshan Balton
Executive Director
Ahmed Kathrada Foundation
082 373 1143

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