New company ownership regulation a step in right direction

By Mashudu Masutha and Karabo RajuiliFirst published on News24 The Financial Action Task Force (FATF) is the global standard-setting body for combating money laundering, setting minimum standards via 40 recommendations. It has sanctioning mechanisms for countries that fail to comply. Recently, the organisation updated its Recommendation 24, which deals with beneficial ownership transparency – and Read more >

The legacy of Corruption Watch and the challenges ahead

By Mzukisi QoboFirst published on Business Day This year, Corruption Watch observes a decade since it was formed in January 2012. It is an initiative borne of concerted action across civil society, including trade unionists, civic leaders and business leaders, and was formed as a response to the growing scourge of corruption in society and Read more >

How to protect yourself as a whistle-blower

Whistleblowers expose unlawful or immoral activities conducted by people, organisations, corporations or governments. Too often, they risk their own safety to bring human rights abusers to account and to achieve justice for the abused. Chelsea Manning, whistleblower and human rights activist, jeopardised her freedom in order to raise public awareness of human rights abuses in the Read more >

When optics trump governance, it’s the poor that suffer

By Marianne Merten In his third address to a joint sitting of Parliament — others were on gender-based violence (2019), and South Africa’s economic reconstruction and recovery (2020) — President Cyril Ramaphosa left more questions and answers on the devastating KwaZulu-Natal floods. No details emerged on the R1-billion Finance Minister Enoch Godongwana had publicly talked Read more >

SA’s growing distrust with govt: We’ve been failed over and over

Image: Flickr/GovernmentZA By Karam Singh Corruption remains one of the fault line issues in South Africa – if not the main one. Even in this time of natural disaster and tragic devastation that Mother Nature reaped on unprepared and unprotected communities, our thoughts turn quickly to corruption and how corrupt officials, politicians, their criminal connections Read more >

Making a racket – about

By Tharin Pillay Racketeering enterprises tend to fall under the radar of most South Africans, but they are as damaging and serious as any other form of organised crime. To respond to this, we must make use of legal tools adapted to grappling with the problem. Pushing for racketeering prosecutions is a start. When I Read more >

David Lewis, CW’s founding exec director, reflects on a decade of activism

This piece is extracted from Corruption Watch’s 2021 annual report. For more information, click here. By Moepeng TalaneFirst published on Daily Maverick/Maverick Citizen Ten years ago, on 26 January 2012, Corruption Watch (CW) was launched publicly at Constitution Hill’s iconic women’s jail. Against the backdrop of this symbolic setting, an anti-corruption pledge was signed, with Read more >