Beware of ‘friends’ bearing gifts

Are you witnessing corruption but don’t know what to do about it? Ask the team of Corruption Watch experts what to do by writing to: and mark your letter ‘Dear Corruption Watch’. Dear Corruption Watch When is a gift a bribe? I am a fairly senior civil servant on a decision-making panel that awards Read more >

How can I get rid of the dodgy directors?

Are you witnessing corruption but don’t know what to do about it? Ask the team of Corruption Watch experts what to do by writing to: and mark your letter ‘Dear Corruption Watch’. Dear Corruption Watch I sit on a board of a large company. We are a highly complex business that supplies large-scale infrastructure services Read more >

Paying bribes can be costly in the long run

Are you witnessing corruption but don’t know what to do about it? Ask the team of Corruption Watch experts what to do by writing to: and mark your letter ‘Dear Corruption Watch’. Dear Corruption Watch My company has recently been engaged in a business transaction in Asia. We have a policy of consultation and Read more >

A web of watchdogs and whistle-blowers

How many of you reading this have experienced corruption in some form? You were asked for, or paid, a bribe; you work for a company that has secured lucrative state contracts through bribery or other inappropriate relationships; you are in a position of power and routinely dispense "favours" to those who need the services that Read more >