The good and bad news

By David Lewis (This article was first published in City Press) The recent Transparency International Corruption Perceptions Index puts South Africa in 67th place out of the 175 countries surveyed. Those satisfied with mediocrity might think this is not too bad. People with this view must remember that our ranking dropped by about 30 places in Read more >

Sex for marks a criminal act

Dear Corruption Watch My daughter's best friend's teacher wants her to perform a sexual favour in exchange for good marks. She is terrified both of "paying the bribe" and telling her parents or the headmaster about this abuse of power. What are her rights and what recourse does she have to fight this vile corruption? Outraged Read more >

Private sector is not untainted

Dear Corruption Watch, I understand that when a private citizen or firm bribes a public official to secure a contract, both are involved in corrupt conduct and are subject to the anti-corruption act. But what if a private sector supplier bribes a procurement officer in a private firm? And can conduct that only involves private Read more >

Municipal gravy train slows down

Dear Corruption Watch I keep reading about seemingly obscene salaries for civil servants. Is the pay, particularly for those of third-tier officials, regulated? Or are councils able to set salaries at whatever level they choose, seemingly without regard for responsibilities discharged? Accountant Dear Accountant There have been many changes this year with regard to the Read more >

Court will clarify Thuli’s legal limits

Dear Corruption Watch, Both the DA and the ANC claimed victory in respect of the court's ruling about whether the public protector's recommendations are "binding". Thuli Madonsela has asked for a judicial review of the ruling. What are the implications of this? Regards, Confused Dear Confused It is important to understand the meaning of the Read more >

Sanral secrecy has dire implications

Dear Corruption Watch, I live in Cape Town, and I'm concerned about the new toll roads that Sanral wants to establish here. I heard that the matter is in court, but also heard that the court documents are secret. How can that be? Confused and Concerned Dear Confused, You're right to ask about this issue. Read more >

What’s at the core of the nuclear puzzle?

Dear Corruption Watch, I am confused. I thought that procuring a nuclear power plant required a public tender process, but then the Russian company selling us the goods issues a press release saying it's a done deal? What exactly is the deal? And is it possible or desirable to undertake a procurement exercise on this Read more >

Whistle-blowers in the hot seat at inquiry

By Anine Kriegler and Murray Hunter The arms companies have successfully avoided scrutiny at the Seriti Commission, essentially putting the whistle-blowers and critics on trial. The absence of the arms companies from the Seriti Commission is telling. The commission’s first phase was focused on the arms deal’s rationale – why the South African government bought Read more >