Voting for them is easy, sacking them not

Dear Corruption Watch, Rarely has there been so much agreement in South Africa that Nkandla was wrong, an egregious expenditure of public funds, and that our leaders should be held accountable. Under what circumstances could the South African president or a member of the cabinet be disqualified from continuing to hold office? Yours Seeking Justice Read more >

Independence key to vigilance, action

​Dear Corruption Watch, South Africa has three institutions with powers to investigate corruption in government: the Hawks, the Special Investigating Unit (SIU) and the public protector. Who does what, and from where do they derive their powers? What does it mean that they are independent? Curious Dear Curious The National Prosecuting Authority (NPA), its asset forfeiture Read more >

School fee or foul a matter of funding

Dear Corruption Watch, The principal at a no-fee school is charging us R1 000 a year. I refused to pay and I’ve been victimised – even called a prostitute! What are my rights if I blow the whistle on him? Someone told me most of the whistleblower protection has to do with the workplace and is Read more >

Bill balances wrongs and rights

Dear Corruption Watch, The most recent version of the Public Administration Management Bill has some significant changes to previous versions. The new bill removes the clause that would have enforced a “cooling off” period for public employees before going into the private sector. Surely this is important to manage conflicts of interest and the potential Read more >

Grant saga needs probe for clarity

Dear Corruption Watch, The saga about the awarding of the social grants contract has been going on for a while. There was recently a Constitutional Court judgment about it and Corruption Watch intervened in the case. Why did Corruption Watch decide to get involved and what are the implications of the judgment? What Does It All Read more >

Crime pays for our politicians

Dear Corruption Watch Julius Malema has been accused of corruption and fraud, but now I hear that his trial will not be finalised before the elections next year. How do the pending criminal charges affect his political career or his ability to stand for office? Poll Watcher Dear Poll Watcher Julius Malema is facing serious Read more >

Ways to avoid Christmas hiccups

Dear Corruption Watch, Friends of mine recently had their vehicle stopped at night by police officials. Their children were in the back seat. The police officials threatened to arrest my friends for drunk driving although they were perfectly sober. They felt that their car had been selected for intimidation because the police knew they wouldn’t Read more >

Using a minnow to nail a shark

Dear Corruption Watch, I would like to understand more about plea bargaining, which doesn't seem to serve justice. Former police commissioner Jackie Selebi was corrupted by Glenn Agliotti, who then got off in exchange for ratting on Selebi. Why is it so difficult to get sufficient evidence of a conspiracy without an informant, and why Read more >

When ‘acting’ is mere subterfuge

Dear Corruption Watch, We read a lot about jobs for pals in the public service. Some of these are ‘acting appointments’ that seem to last forever. I have reason to believe that many are made to circumvent the full hiring process, which opens up these appointments to corruption. Are there limitations to the length of Read more >