Grease and corruption are one and the same

Dear Corruption Watch: I understand that corruption usually involves someone paying money to a government official to get something to which they are not otherwise entitled (such as bribing an official to issue a licence), or to avoid punishment (such as paying a traffic officer not to give you a speeding ticket). But is it Read more >

Fee just as illegal as bribe

Dear Corruption Watch: Coverage of the showdown between the former head of the Companies and Intellectual Property Commission and the minister of trade and industry glossed over the “grease payments” she was trying to stamp out. People are often required, when registering their businesses, to pay an extra “fee” to a “runner” who takes the Read more >

One thing taxpayers won’t be liable for

Dear Corruption Watch: New day, new allegations of corruption levelled against the top brass of our parastatals. Invariably, the defamed chairperson or CEO vociferously denies the allegations and threatens to sue for defamation. If he or she does decide to sue, can the state-owned company foot the legal bill? T (for tired-of-paying-legal-bills) Taxpayer. Dear T Read more >

Court must test NPA pair’s ethical fitness

Dear Corruption Watch, a legal professional body has gone to court to have two senior National Prosecuting Authority officials Lawrence Mrwebi and Nomgcobo Jiba, struck off the roll of advocates. How does this work? Surely the professional body can regulate itself? Why does it have to go to court? Curious Dear Curious Your questions are Read more >

Local laws are there, enforcement is not

Dear Corruption Watch, South African businesses seem very concerned with understanding and adhering to the US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and the UK Bribery Act. And yet they’re not so worried about our own legislation? Lekker Local Dear Lekker Local Your perception is not wrong. Here at CW we have certainly experienced, in our interaction Read more >

Tenders to be cleaned up with new central database

Dear Corruption Watch, in his budget speech, Finance Minister Nhlanhla Nene announced that the Treasury is launching a central supplier database and e-tender portal in a bid to fight corruption and make government procurement more efficient and cost-effective. I am a supplier to the state, and I’m confused about how such a move could benefit Read more >

Immigrants face a continuing cycle of abuse

By David Lewis First published in City Press The glare from the xenophobic flames burning these past weeks should not blind us to the reality that what we are witnessing is simply a moment in the slow violence to which immigrant communities are subject every day and in every interaction with South African officialdom. After Read more >

Defamation is fine – in Parliament

Dear Corruption Watch, I never thought I'd say this, but watching proceedings in Parliament has become increasingly interesting. That said, I'm sometimes quite alarmed by what the MPs accuse each other of – from suggestions of corruption to calling the president a thief. I thought we had laws protecting people from being defamed. Why doesn't Read more >

Turn up the heat on climate-fund fraud

Dear Corruption Watch, I'm a proud "eco-warrior" and have a strong interest in protecting our environment. Can corruption harm the environment? – Concerned eco-warrior Dear Eco-warrior In recent decades, environmental degradation has become a serious problem. It is deeply concerning that we are threatening the existence of whole ecosystems, and environmental damage can also have Read more >