Is blood always thicker than water?

Dear Corruption Watch: The head of the Independent Police Investigative Directorate [in Gauteng] has been suspended while being investigated for nepotism. And this is the watchdog for misbehaving police personnel! But I wonder: we are all told of the value of social solidarity, of community members assisting each other to get ahead. Why, then, does Read more >

Time the corrupt got their marching orders

By David Lewis A diverse grouping of civil society organisations has called on the public to protest against escalating corruption by joining a picket in front of Parliament on 7 August and a march on the Union Buildings on 19 August. There are three questions that might be addressed to those calling on the public Read more >

E-governance a blow to corruption

Dear Corruption Watch: I was reading a piece on rampant corruption in India and the prevailing dispensation’s undertaking to root it out. One of the initiatives was to implement an online application system for the granting of certain permits. Is this something worth exploring in South Africa? Regards Mr E Permit Dear Mr E Permit Read more >

Act lost in bureaucracy it should be policing

Dear Corruption Watch: You’ve reported before on the new Public Administration Management Act. You’ve told us that the act is really important since it prevents state officials from doing business with the state and requires them to declare all financial interests. I’ve heard that the president still hasn’t brought the act into operation. When is Read more >

‘Presumed innocent’ not an invisibility cloak

Dear Corruption Watch: My local councillor is being investigated for his role in corrupt tender processes in our municipality. A senior branch member of our political party told me that I should not discuss the allegations or charges because the councillor is “innocent until proven guilty”. I understand that this is an important part of Read more >

Key regulator will control flow of information

Dear Corruption Watch: In May, the deputy minister for constitutional development announced that an information regulator would soon be appointed in terms of the Protection of Personal Information Act. What is the role of the information regulator? How does the appointment process work? Would there be recourse for interested parties if unsuitable candidates were to Read more >

“Sub judice” an overused cop-out

Dear Corruption Watch: It seems the ace in every politician’s hand is the sub judice rule, which somehow makes difficult questions go away. What does sub judice mean, and why are these words so powerful? Yours sincerely, Latin illiterate Dear Latin illiterate “Sub judice” is a Latin expression meaning “under judgment”. The power in these Read more >

Nkandla an example of disrespect towards citizens

By Kavisha Pillay Growing up in a new South Africa, I was enlightened by the many courageous men and women who have sacrificed their lives so that I can enjoy freedom. Some of these leaders have been exalted to positions of influence while many others live as unsung heroes in our communities. These leaders who Read more >