The march to stop corruption

By David Lewis First published in City Press A grouping of civil society organisations has called on the public to demonstrate its outrage at escalating levels of corruption by joining marches on the Union Buildings and Parliament on Wednesday. As with so many other acts of malfeasance and maladministration, it is the poor and vulnerable Read more >

Rent-seeking is gobbling up our economy

By William Gumede First published in Mail & Guardian South Africa is increasingly becoming a “rent-seeking” society in which the politically connected make easy money without having to work for it: they get government and private sector contracts, mining rights and favourable policies just because of their closeness to the ANC leadership. Although rent-seeking may, Read more >

Act protects workplace whistleblowers

Dear Corruption Watch, as an employee, I want to blow the whistle on something going on, but I’ve signed an employment contract that has provisions about confidentiality of information obtained during the scope of my work. I’m also told there are legislative provisions that make it a criminal offence to disclose information. Does the whistleblowers Read more >

South Africans need to update their activism

By David Lewis First published in Daily Maverick Ranjeni Munusamy poses a pertinent question when she asks “Is South Africa losing its activism mojo?”. And, cited in the same article, Zwelinzima Vavi answers this in the affirmative when he says: “South Africans have become resigned. They are complaining everywhere but there is no real activism. Read more >

Checks and balances mainly after the fact

Dear Corruption Watch, I am concerned that many high-profile and important positions in South Africa made by the president are compromised from the start, like the national prosecutions head. What alternatives to presidential appointment are there in South Africa and other countries? Sick of Lapdogs Dear Sick of Lapdogs, Your concerns regarding presidential appointments are Read more >

‘Cleared’ Jiba faces potential obstacles

Dear Corruption Watch, the national director of public prosecutions recently announced that not only have charges of fraud and perjury against his deputy, Nomgcobo Jiba, been withdrawn, but she’s been promoted! How can she have a future at the NPA? Concerned Crime Fighter Dear Concerned Crime Fighter, Jiba’s integrity was called into question in the Read more >

67 reasons to fight corruption

With the seventh international Mandela Day just past, it’s clear that July is observed by many people around the world as an opportunity to serve the people around them and do good in their communities for at least 67 minutes – one for each year Mandela devoted to public service. In this article, first published Read more >

Migrants have rights in refugee process

Dear Corruption Watch, So many immigrants seeking refuge, opportunity and a future in South Africa are greeted with contempt and “xenophobia” that it’s a wonder we still have so many applications for asylum. But I’m hearing that in addition to such indignities, refugees must pay bribes to become documented aliens. Don’t our laws protecting people’s Read more >

Bad governance in state enterprises is not a good story

Dear Corruption Watch, There seems to be a pattern in the turmoil erupting in our state-owned enterprises between boards and ministers. Inevitably this leads to corruption allegations against one or more of the parties and to allegations of interference from the government in these enterprises. What is the responsibility of each of these actors in Read more >