Court will clarify Thuli’s legal limits

Dear Corruption Watch, Both the DA and the ANC claimed victory in respect of the court's ruling about whether the public protector's recommendations are "binding". Thuli Madonsela has asked for a judicial review of the ruling. What are the implications of this? Regards, Confused Dear Confused It is important to understand the meaning of the Read more >

Sanral secrecy has dire implications

Dear Corruption Watch, I live in Cape Town, and I'm concerned about the new toll roads that Sanral wants to establish here. I heard that the matter is in court, but also heard that the court documents are secret. How can that be? Confused and Concerned Dear Confused, You're right to ask about this issue. Read more >

What’s at the core of the nuclear puzzle?

Dear Corruption Watch, I am confused. I thought that procuring a nuclear power plant required a public tender process, but then the Russian company selling us the goods issues a press release saying it's a done deal? What exactly is the deal? And is it possible or desirable to undertake a procurement exercise on this Read more >

Municipalities are cleaning up their act, audit by audit

Dear Corruption Watch, I heard that the auditor-general recently released a report on the annual audit of local government entities. Why do we have these audits and what can the report tell us about corruption in our municipalities? Is there any good news? Hoping Dear Hoping The annual financial audits of local government entities play Read more >

Minions merely follow the leader

By Kabelo Sedupane The resignation of IEC chairperson Pansy Tlakula reveals that there are consequences to the flouting of procurement rules and unethical conduct – however, the question remains as to whether the unauthorised expenditure of public funds should necessitate further investigations and harsher sanctions. Within a culture of rampant abuse of public funds, the Read more >

Reporting on allegations can be in the public interest

Dear Corruption Watch, Journalists use the word "alleged" a lot – sometimes correctly, other times ensuring that reporters are pawns in a vicious game. Does someone involved in corruption have to be formally charged before one may say allegations have been made? Seeking Clarity Dear Seeking Let us start by confirming the importance of the Read more >

When is a bribe not a bribe?

Dear Corruption Watch, In his testimony before the Seriti Commission on the arms deal, former president Mbeki suggested that a ‘facilitation commission’ is not a bribe. What is the legal distinction? Yours Concerned Middle-Man Dear Concerned Middle-Man Former president Mbeki's testimony decidedly records that the payment of a commission, in and of itself, is not Read more >