Tackle corruption by keeping communities in the picture

  By David Lewis Despite the perennial hype surrounding the budget, as long as we have a sane finance minister the “hard” content is inevitably pretty predictable. A good budget is generally a paragon of moderation. Unless it succumbs to special-interest pressure, it won’t slash and burn, and it won’t throw money from a helicopter. Read more >

Distrust in leaders grows as corrupt eclipse graft busters

By David Lewis First published in Business Day THE results of Transparency International’s corruption perceptions index, released this week, hold mixed news for SA. Our ranking has improved from 67 in the 2014 survey to 61 out of 168 countries surveyed last year. Our score, at 44, has remained the same, with 100 perceived as Read more >

Young leadership group asks ANC to recall Zuma

The reckless replacement of the finance minister in the face of economic headwinds is irresponsible, irrational and unpatriotic; Zuma just delivered a worse life for all. So says the Young African Leadership Initiative (Yali) which comprises professionals who are leaders in their fields, spanning sectors of government, the financial sector, South African and international corporates Read more >

The case against Nomgcobo Jiba

Wondering what all the fuss is around Nomgcobo Jiba, the recently appointed deputy head of national prosecutions? Read this absorbing piece by writer Rian Malan to discover why Corruption Watch and other organisations feel she is not fit to hold the position. Spare a thought for South African journalists, reduced to peering into murk and Read more >

Zapiro explains student protest ‘third force’

Whether you love him or you hate him, award-winning political cartoonist Jonathan Shapiro – aka Zapiro – is someone whose work is relevant to all South Africans. His latest cartoon is no exception – in the wake of nationwide student protests, speculation has run high over the outside influences which were said to be responsible Read more >

Corruption and political party funding

By Matthew Kruger First published on the Helen Suzman Foundation website In South Africa, the events that generate political debate are always aplenty. In the space of three days in late September, we were all especially blessed. First, the US Securities Exchange Commission alleged that Hitachi, a foreign company, had a corrupt relationship with Chancellor Read more >

Corruption affects everything and everybody

By Melusi Ncala It is widely accepted that the spreading of corruption erodes many facets of our society and its ramifications are serious for all concerned. There are those among us who may want to contest this sentiment, to argue that some people are immune from being victims as they are the wrongdoers. But this Read more >

SA reputation tarnished by “brazen” Hitachi bribe

By Martin Kenney First published on Biznews.com The story of how electronics giant Hitachi bought political influence in order to win a $5.6-billion power station contract, calls into question not only the integrity of a massive company with a global reputation, but also the very integrity of the South African government. Moreover, a $19-million fine Read more >

Even pensions can be scammed

Dear Corruption Watch, I am 84 and receive a civil pension from the Government Employees Pension Fund. About 10 years ago, the GEPF sent me a letter saying my increments had been incorrectly calculated and requesting that I pay back about R32 000. I ignored the letter, thinking it was a scam. I recently received Read more >