SONA wishlist – better implementation and enforcement of anti-corruption measures

Dear Corruption Watch, When the president delivers the State of the Nation address in Parliament, what would you like to see on his legislative agenda in respect of anti-corruption programmes? Yours, Policy Wonk Dear Mr Wonk South Africa has excellent anti-corruption legislation. The Prevention and Combatting of Corrupt Activities Act (Precca) criminalises the full range of Read more >

New graft-busting unit unlikely to halt state scams

Dear Corruption Watch I see the president signed the Public Administration Management Act in December, establishing yet another anti-corruption agency. What contribution is this intended to make to combating corruption? Does this not duplicate existing anti-corruption agencies? Unconvinced Dear Unconvinced, The Public Administration Management Act created a gamut of new institutions that are intended to Read more >

Slippery slope in the making?

Dear Corruption Watch Just before last year's election, the National Assembly was debating a bill to allow line ministers, rather than Parliament, to set salaries, allowances and conditions of service for chapter nine institutions. Surely these institutions, independent and established by the constitution, should never be accountable to political appointees? It is through the instruments Read more >

Corruption starts with the individual

Opinion piece by Valencia Talane A recent chat with a friend confirmed for me the role individual attitudes play in the escalation of societal ills such as corruption. I had called the friend to check on him and found out he had just been to court with a cousin of his.   Intrigued at the Read more >

Driving out the dodgy officials

Dear Corruption Watch, I run a small driving school but am being driven out of business by corrupt competitors. These driving instructors team up with the examiners at the testing centre and share the proceeds of bribes. They even have special signals and vocabulary, such as turning the rear-view mirror around, used to indicate which Read more >

The good and bad news

By David Lewis (This article was first published in City Press) The recent Transparency International Corruption Perceptions Index puts South Africa in 67th place out of the 175 countries surveyed. Those satisfied with mediocrity might think this is not too bad. People with this view must remember that our ranking dropped by about 30 places in Read more >

Sex for marks a criminal act

Dear Corruption Watch My daughter's best friend's teacher wants her to perform a sexual favour in exchange for good marks. She is terrified both of "paying the bribe" and telling her parents or the headmaster about this abuse of power. What are her rights and what recourse does she have to fight this vile corruption? Outraged Read more >

Private sector is not untainted

Dear Corruption Watch, I understand that when a private citizen or firm bribes a public official to secure a contract, both are involved in corrupt conduct and are subject to the anti-corruption act. But what if a private sector supplier bribes a procurement officer in a private firm? And can conduct that only involves private Read more >

Municipal gravy train slows down

Dear Corruption Watch I keep reading about seemingly obscene salaries for civil servants. Is the pay, particularly for those of third-tier officials, regulated? Or are councils able to set salaries at whatever level they choose, seemingly without regard for responsibilities discharged? Accountant Dear Accountant There have been many changes this year with regard to the Read more >