In a true democracy, citizens hold the power

By Themba MasekoFirst published on News24 At the end of May, the nation is expected to conduct an introspection about the numerous crises facing the country. These crises include rising levels of poverty, inequality, unemployment, crime, an energy crisis, and a loss of confidence in the state’s capacity to fulfil its electoral and constitutional mandate.  Read more >

Fighting corruption is everyone’s business and we should all dig in

By Kavisha PillayFirst published on Daily Maverick This year marks 30 years since South Africa became a constitutional democracy, and with that, we should reflect on the many positives that have been ushered in and implemented during this period. Our democracy, though fragile and at risk in many instances, still has the potential to improve Read more >

Wanted: a SONA that hits all the right notes

By Karam SinghFirst published on News24 One of the things I always listen for in the SONA is a strong statement up front saying that to build better lives for our people, grow the economy, make communities safer, and address load shedding – we must make significant strides in defeating corruption. But what tends to Read more >

Farm worker equity schemes a failure of both government and farm owners

Image: Vuk’uzenzele By Melusi NcalaFirst published on News24 The South African government, under the African National Congress (ANC) rule, cares little about the plight of marginalised people – and the ANC-led government’s own abhorrent track record in upholding human rights tells the story.   Besides its well-documented service delivery failures, the handling of the land question Read more >

NSFAS – credibility is achieved through co-operation, not confrontation

Photo: Jaco Marais By Moepeng TalaneFirst published on News24 When the sixth Parliament wraps up its term ahead of next year’s general elections, it will no doubt have an array of unresolved institutional governance matters relating to state organs hanging over it. The legacy reports of the different portfolio committees will contain concerns of corruption, Read more >

More protections for SA whistle-blowers on the way, but will they work?

By Neil Coetzer, Maricia Smith, Bavukile Magagula, and Anthony AndrewsFirst published on Business Day During June 2023 the Department of Justice and Constitutional Development published a discussion document on proposed reforms for the whistle-blower protection regime in South Africa. Taking its cue from the criticism of the Protected Disclosures Act of 2000 by the Zondo Read more >

New CSO to focus on protecting, advising climate whistle-blowers

Image: Flickr/crustmania By Kwazi Dlamini Newly established French-based civil society organisation Climate Whistleblowers seeks to bring to light the plight of whistle-blowers exposing environmental transgressions against governments and big companies. Launched on 5 June 2023 – World Environment Day – the organisation also aims to throw its weight behind protecting those who speak out against Read more >