Brave enough to talk about land corruption

By Melusi NcalaFirst published in the Sunday Tribune I often puzzle over the hesitant behaviour of people around me when they discuss the topic of land dispossession and the displacement of families and communities. It is as though there is a collective disposition of awkwardness and clumsiness. Land and related issues are described as “touchy” Read more >

Mining takes heavy toll on SA’s black families

•  A cemetery in Phola, a black residential area near Witbank, from which some graves were relocated to make way for coal mining. Image: Supplied South Africa’s mining sector has been in a state of upheaval for some years – not least because of the controversy surrounding the disbursement and use of mining royalties, those Read more >

Is transparency in mining languishing?

By Mashudu MasuthaFirst published in Business Day A lack of beneficial ownership transparency is a key threat to sustainability within the sector, as is an increase in human rights violations that tends to occur with secret owners The latest data from the just-released Worldwide Governance Indicators report confirms that with some exceptions, resource-rich countries face Read more >

No warm welcome from Home Affairs at Beit Bridge

• The queue outside the Beit Bridge border post between South Africa and Zimbabwe. Image: Barbara Dale-Jones. By Barbara Dale-JonesFirst published by The Daily Maverick ‘We cannot have a Home Affairs department that is corrupt,’ declared President Cyril Ramaphosa in early October – while Barbara Dale-Jones was experiencing exactly that while travelling to Zimbabwe. As Read more >

South Sudan oil investment could be risky for SA

By David LewisFirst published in Business Day The Africa Oil and Power (AOP) Conference taking place in Cape Town this week is a high-powered event bringing together African governments and top executives of corporates across the energy value chain. The AOP website describes it as “the venue for deal-making with Africa’s emerging enterprises and economies” Read more >

Net must close on vultures circling community mines

By Mashudu MasuthaFirst published in Business Day It is no secret that management of the broader societal issues in mining leaves much to be desired and that much of the dissatisfaction is attributed to the long history of mismanagement of community benefits and mining royalties. The 2018 Corruption Watch report on mining royalties illustrated the Read more >

High Court’s Seriti judgment should cheer commission-weary SA

By Caroline James and Tara DavisFirst published on Maverick Citizen When Democratic Alliance leader Mmusi Maimane suggested in Parliament last month that President Cyril Ramaphosa appoint a commission of inquiry into the disgraced company Bosasa (now known as African Global Operations), the collective sigh of exasperation around the country was almost audible. Commissions of inquiry Read more >

Dept of agriculture and land reform needs a clean-up

By Deborah Mutemwa-Tumbo and Caroline JamesFirst published on Daily Maverick South Africa’s labour laws have been weaponised against people of integrity to facilitate corruption and state capture. The Commission of Inquiry into Allegations of State Capture (Zondo Commission) remains the story dominating news headlines in South Africa, and as one high-profile figure after another reveals Read more >

Understanding the psychology of corruption in SA

By Tove van LennepFirst published on Daily Maverick The idea that corrupt public servants are morally deficient obscures the fact that morality is frequently invoked to legitimise corruption itself. South African public servants usually accept that their corrupt acts are illegal, but stress that they are also moral; performed in the name of some social Read more >