Stricter adherence to PAIA will rebuild public trust

By Larry Kirsch The Covid-19 pandemic, precipitous global economic collapse, and demonstrations of civil protest from Minneapolis to Hong Kong and South Africa’s Western Cape have all demanded a decisive response from public leaders. The results, so far, have not instilled excessive confidence in the ability of governments – right, left, or centre – to Read more >

Rebuilding public participation in SA’s mining sector

By Matshidiso Dibakwane and Mashudu MasuthaPublished on Transparency International Australia Over the last five years or so, the South African government has undertaken a process of formulating a new legislative framework with the aim of creating a blueprint for transforming the mining industry. The primary aim of the new framework is to benefit people who Read more >

Reflecting on the bravery of whistle-blowers

By Thato Mahlangu Justice for some whistle-blowers seems like an unlikely dream. As we marked World Whistle-blower Day on 23 June 2020, one of our own is in pain in a hospital, in the Eastern Cape, after suffering years of abuse at the hands of police while fighting for genuine concerns which have been raised Read more >

The poor are hungry as wrangle rages on

• Bags of maize meal being handed out to members of the public in KwaZulu-Natal. Image: Tebogo Letsie/City Press. By Janine ErasmusFirst published by City Press South Africa is still a country of inequality, and the Covid-19 coronavirus-enforced lockdown has intensified the deep divisions in our society. On one hand, there are people stuck in Read more >

The world expects so much from us

• Students hold placards during the fees must fall protests. Image: The Conversation. By Thato Mahlangu The struggle for young people of colour in South Africa is very much alive. But our struggle is much bigger than what the youth of 1976 fought for. I am not, in any way, taking away what they went Read more >

Police reform in South Africa is long overdue

Image credit: Institute for Security Studies By Sabeehah Motala and Melusi Ncala Images of the United States of America burning have dominated headlines these past weeks. The images are seared into our minds, of protest action taking centre stage across the country, and indeed the world, following the killing of George Floyd. Rightfully so, as Read more >

Groups, NGOs bemoan plans to reopen schools

Corruption Watch The Department of Basic Education’s plans to reopen schools on 1 June 2020 have been met with criticism, with calls for the minister, Angie Motshekga, to reconsider choosing a later date or face a court action. Motshekga, in a press briefing held on Monday, 1 June 2020, said the postponement of the reopening Read more >

Government’s not so reliable food-delivery service

By Kwazi DlaminiFirst published in City Press South Africans with the means to do so have been using the tap of a finger for meals to be delivered to their homes, since the country went into Covid-19 coronavirus lockdown level 4 earlier this month. Between technical glitches that hampered said deliveries and complaints over the Read more >

Covid-19 has worsened an already tough situation

Tsietsi Willem Moshebi Lockdown has been an experience that I will never forget, with the coronavirus being the reason for the deaths of many people around the world. People like myself and millions others nationwide were vulnerable even before Covid-19 came and disrupted lives. I have been without a job for more than a decade Read more >