The education department must act to curb infection

My Covid-19 story: Khuthalo Mahlangu, a grade 5 learner The Department of Basic Education should have planned properly for the shutdown when they realised and found out about the virus and alerted the nation and made us aware of the virus. The department failed to think and plan when schools closed, especially in the townships. Read more >

Lessons learned from the Covid-19 pandemic

Guest contributor I have to firstly applaud each and every person who stays at home during the lockdown, I am sure it’s not easy especially for people who enjoy going out. You are doing yourself, your family and the country good. We have the will to do what’s right for us, for our families and Read more >

Lockdown Life – a Corruption Watch blog

The novel coronavirus, named Covid-19 by the World Health Organisation, is raging in South Africa and across the world. This is a time of extreme danger, and so governments have generally responded with urgency, albeit to varying degrees. Because South Africa is a country still grappling with vast inequalities, there are some who will hardly Read more >

Break the Covid-19 stigma

Guest contributor My experience with the lockdown in Cosmo City ext. 6 and its surroundings is that there has been obedience. The streets are empty. Only a few people are moving about – these I believe are the essential workers. I communicate with my family based in Tzaneen on a daily basis. From their side, Read more >

Covid-19 – some personal musings and impressions

One thing about being at home at a time like this is that it gives one plenty of opportunity to think, discuss and debate the issue at hand. My standout impressions thus far are that there is a lot of deliberate fear-mongering, some instances of defiance of the authorities who are trying to contain this Read more >

Joint efforts are needed to fight wildlife crime

Corruption is playing a role in the killing and trading of endangered species, especially primates. But concerted and collaborative efforts will go a long way towards wiping out these crimes. Primatologist Marilyn A. Norconk, emeritus professor at the Kent State University in Ohio, wrote an article for The Conversation last week to illustrate how people, Read more >

SA’s echoes of leaders who plundered their countries

By Mandisi MajavuFirst published in The Conversation One of the shameful achievements of the African National Congress (ANC) in its 25 years of governing post-apartheid South Africa is that it’s living up to the political stereotype of what is wrong with post-colonial Africa – unethical and corrupt African leaders who exercise power through patronage. The widespread corruption Read more >

Cambridge Analytica and the end of elections

By Nanjala Nyabola First published on Al Jazeera The latest Cambridge Analytica leaks show just how compromised voting – one of the pillars of democracy – has become. In the early hours of 1 January 2020, a Twitter handle, @hindsightfiles, allegedly run by Brittany Kaiser, a former employee of Cambridge Analytica, shared confidential documentation regarding the involvement Read more >

Anti-corruption, human rights efforts will converge in 2020

By Alison Taylor First published on the FCPA Blog In considering external operating risk, it has long been clear that corruption and negative human rights impacts correlate keenly. Underpaid doctors who require bribes before they will admit your child to a hospital immediately undermine your right to health. When an earthquake collapses buildings and causes Read more >