Groups, NGOs bemoan plans to reopen schools

Corruption Watch The Department of Basic Education’s plans to reopen schools on 1 June 2020 have been met with criticism, with calls for the minister, Angie Motshekga, to reconsider choosing a later date or face a court action. Motshekga, in a press briefing held on Monday, 1 June 2020, said the postponement of the reopening Read more >

Government’s not so reliable food-delivery service

By Kwazi DlaminiFirst published in City Press South Africans with the means to do so have been using the tap of a finger for meals to be delivered to their homes, since the country went into Covid-19 coronavirus lockdown level 4 earlier this month. Between technical glitches that hampered said deliveries and complaints over the Read more >

Covid-19 has worsened an already tough situation

Tsietsi Willem Moshebi Lockdown has been an experience that I will never forget, with the coronavirus being the reason for the deaths of many people around the world. People like myself and millions others nationwide were vulnerable even before Covid-19 came and disrupted lives. I have been without a job for more than a decade Read more >

We have to make the water sector an island of integrity

By Mike Muller and Barbara SchreinerFirst published in the Sunday Times By the end of the 2018/2019 financial year the Department of Water and Sanitation (DWS) had a staggering R16.5-billion in irregular expenditure and was, in the words of the chair of parliament’s standing committee on public accounts, insolvent. On 13 May the minister of Read more >

Dear Mr President, let us help keep the vultures at bay

By civil society organisationsFirst published on Daily Maverick Dear President Cyril Ramaphosa  We, the undersigned organisations, commend you for the decisive action taken over the last few weeks in dealing with the Covid-19 crisis. We note the efforts of the state in placing the health and wellbeing of people at the forefront of decision-making.  However, Read more >

Give small business opportunities

Pierre Mpapele Government has created great expectation for small businesses to afford them opportunities to supply Covid-19 supplies. We were invited to register on the government portal and on the central database, but that was the end of the engagement. People who do not have clothing businesses are at the forefront of opportunities to supply Read more >

Busting the curfew to get home

Guest contributor The seven-day grace period for people to move from one province to another during lockdown came to an end at midnight on Thursday, 7 May 2020. Thousands of people took up the opportunity to either return to their places of work or go home. Before lockdown I had travelled from Johannesburg to Durban Read more >

Load shedding blues for some communities

Betsie du Plooy Since lockdown started, the Govan Mbeki Municipality (GMM) started their own load shedding. From day one, Bethal and the townships of Embalenhle and Emzinoni had load shedding, at times for three or four hours per day, and other times for up to seven or eight hours. They created a so-called schedule, but Read more >

“The people are starving, many families are out of food”

Guest contributors These are some of the experiences shared with us: Monica de KockStrange how to keep oxygen in your blood, you must essentially be outdoors, exercising or taking in sunlight, otherwise your oxygen levels drop. The Corona virus, however, affects oxygen levels in your red blood cells. We have a huge open space, but Read more >