Corruption Watch probes dodgy circumcision contract

Corruption Watch is investigating the Mpumalanga Health Department's decision to award a multimillion-rand contract "without tender" to circumcise 260 000 boys and men in the province, the Sunday Independent reported on the weekend. The civil society organisation is also querying why the contract was given to Mkhago Health Care Services, owned by Ebby Bongani Mkhabela, Read more >

Watchdog group highlights school corruption

The anti-graft organisation Corruption Watch said the number of complaints it had received about wrongdoing at schools had grown “dramatically” in recent months, Leeann Jansen writes in the Mercury. Read the original version here. The body is sitting with more than 200 cases, the majority of which allege maladministration and financial mismanagement on the part Read more >

Corruption Watch adds to calls for Dina Pule to be criminally charged

Corruption Watch calls for the prosecuting authorities to act swiftly and ensure former Communications Minister Dina Pule is held accountable for her alleged unlawful conduct. While welcoming the findings of the Parliamentary Ethics Committee against Pule, Corruption Watch’s executive director David Lewis said criminal charges must be laid against Pule in line with the anti-corruption Read more >

Corruption Watch board censures Vavi

In the light of the media disclosures in recent weeks concerning a woman who is a staff member at the Congress of South African Trade Unions (Cosatu) head office and Zwelinzima Vavi, a board member of Corruption Watch, an urgent meeting of the Corruption Watch board was convened. On the basis of the facts admitted Read more >

The corruption perceptions

Many South Africans are prepared to act on corruption but the accountability of public servants is a herculean task, Corruption Watch deputy executive director Bongi Mlangeni writes in The New Age. Integrity and political will are some of the essentials in combating corruption in government. Minister of Public Service and Administration, Lindiwe Sisulu, appears to Read more >

Rebuilding trust is the hard part

By Nicola Whittaker The total settlement with 15 companies is in excess of R1.4bn. Aveng, Murray & Roberts, Stefanutti Stocks and WHBO are all individually coughing up in excess of R300m to pay for their sins. Or the sins of their past — and now happily retired — employees, if we are to believe statements Read more >

Collusion is corruption

By David Lewis The past week has been a ­watershed in two related perceptions of corruption in South Africa. The first is that the private sector bears little responsibility for corruption. The second is that no good news regarding corruption ever comes out of the public sector. The notion that the private sector was, at Read more >