Police graft leads the way in latest CW report

In its latest report released today, Corruption Watch spotlights the 1 591 brave whistle-blowers who have exposed corruption in different sectors across the country, suggesting a determination to continue to act in the face of widespread corruption in South Africa. The 2019 Analysis of Corruption Trends Report, the third edition of this half-yearly publication, also Read more >

CW and R2K celebrate arms deal victory in court today

Today’s judgment handed down in the North Gauteng High Court vindicates the dogged efforts by civil society partners Corruption Watch and Right2Know Campaign (R2K) to have the findings of the Arms Procurement Commission (the Seriti Commission) reviewed and set aside. It also affirms the efforts of more than 40 civil society organisations and whistle-blowers that Read more >

Court to hand down Seriti judgment tomorrow

The North Gauteng High Court will tomorrow, 21 August, hand down judgment on the application brought forward by Corruption Watch and the Right2Know Campaign to review and set aside the findings of the arms deal commission. The commission was set up in 2011 by former president Jacob Zuma, who appointed Judge Willie Seriti, to head Read more >

CW asks Parly to probe PP’s fitness to hold office

Today Corruption Watch submitted a letter to the Speaker of the National Assembly and the parliamentary Portfolio Committee on Justice and Correctional Services, requesting the committee to exercise its oversight function and investigate whether the incumbent public protector is fit to hold office. The letter highlights the critical role played by the Office of the Read more >

GCB confirms SA belief that corruption is increasing

The tenth edition of the Global Corruption Barometer (GCB) – Africa, released on African Anti-Corruption Day by Transparency International in partnership with Afrobarometer, reveals that 64% of South Africans surveyed think that corruption increased in the previous 12 months. The survey was conducted between end July and September 2018. Of the 47 000 citizens surveyed Read more >

State capture boosted violence and organised crime

Organised crime flourished under Jacob Zuma’s presidency as South Africa’s criminal justice agencies were manipulated for political and personal gain. This is one of many findings in a joint submission by the Institute for Security Studies (ISS) and Corruption Watch to the Judicial Commission of Inquiry into Allegations of State Capture (Zondo Commission). Interference in Read more >

New CW report reveals grim state of corruption in policing

Corruption Watch’s new report, Corruption in Uniform, released today, looks at the alarming levels of corruption in policing in South Africa. Since the organisation’s inception in 2012, some 1 400 members of the public have felt concerned enough to share their experiences of corruption at the hands of the police. The leading categories of corruption Read more >

Media advisory: Court reckoning for Seriti findings

The application of Corruption Watch (CW) and Right2Know (R2K) to review and set aside the findings of the Arms Procurement Commission (the Seriti Commission) finally comes to court on 11 and 12 June, after several years of dogged scrutiny of the flawed processes and ongoing efforts to hold those implicated in the alleged corruption in Read more >

Will the president finally cut out the rot, asks CW?

President Cyril Ramaphosa campaigned, and his party won the 2019 general election, on his record of tackling corruption in the 15 months following the demise of the corrupt Zuma regime, and on his commitment to intensify the fight against corruption following this election. He has now received a mandate from the electorate and Corruption Watch Read more >