Shortlisted candidates for the post of DPP announced

First published by The Parliament of South Africa The Portfolio Committee on Justice and Correctional Services on Thursday, 24 October 2019, shortlisted eight candidates for the position of the Deputy Public Protector (DPP), which will become vacant in December 2019.Committee Chairperson, Bulelani Magwanishe said, interviews with the candidates will take place over two days, on Read more >

People’s Tribunal on State Capture: our voices must be heard

The Civil Society Working Group on State Capture together with concerned South Africans hosted a people’s hearing at Constitution Hill on Saturday 12 October 2019, to highlight concerns around corruption, looting and crime which the Zondo commission on state capture will be asked to address. The deaths of school children who died while using school Read more >

People’s Hearing on State Capture to take place in Oct

The Civil Society Working Group on State Capture – a coalition of over twenty civil society organisations – is organising a People’s Hearing on State Capture scheduled to take place in Johannesburg on 12 October 2019. The Civil Society Working Group recognises that the Zondo Commission on State Capture in South Africa is making an Read more >

Corruption Watch hails launch of SIU Tribunal

Corruption Watch, responding to the announcement on Friday by Minister of Justice and Correctional Services, Mr Ronald Lamola of the commencement of the Special Tribunal on Corruption, Fraud and Illicit Money Flows, welcomes the arrival of this critical mechanism into the anti-corruption arena. Provided for in terms of the Special Investigating Units and Special Tribunals Read more >

CW celebrates Supreme Court ruling on CPS’ Sassa repayment

Corruption Watch celebrates the ruling in the Supreme Court of Appeal (SCA) today when it upheld the ruling of the North Gauteng High Court that ordered Cash Paymaster Services (CPS) to repay R316-million to the South Africa Social Services Agency (Sassa). The matter involved the lawfulness of a variation agreement, which sought to include the Read more >

Corruption Watch lobbies for public influence in key leadership appointments

Corruption Watch has today launched an awareness campaign to highlight the need for greater transparency, merit-based criteria and public participation in the appointment of key leadership positions, most notably in the anti-corruption institutions that constitute the pillars of our democracy. During 2019 and 2020, three of these institutions will require new leaders, namely the executive Read more >

Net must close on vultures circling community mines

By Mashudu MasuthaFirst published in Business Day It is no secret that management of the broader societal issues in mining leaves much to be desired and that much of the dissatisfaction is attributed to the long history of mismanagement of community benefits and mining royalties. The 2018 Corruption Watch report on mining royalties illustrated the Read more >

CW goes to Supreme Court in CPS R316m appeal

Corruption Watch will be in attendance at the Supreme Court of Appeal (SCA) on 10 September 2019, in an appeal to the North Gauteng High Court judgment in March 2018 that ordered Cash Paymaster Services (CPS) to repay R316-million to the South Africa Social Services Agency. CPS was refused leave to appeal by the High Read more >

Police graft leads the way in latest CW report

In its latest report released today, Corruption Watch spotlights the 1 591 brave whistle-blowers who have exposed corruption in different sectors across the country, suggesting a determination to continue to act in the face of widespread corruption in South Africa. The 2019 Analysis of Corruption Trends Report, the third edition of this half-yearly publication, also Read more >