CW announces plans for Int’l Anti-Corruption Day

To commemorate International Anti-Corruption Day on 9 December, Corruption Watch has planned a range of activities to mark the UN-designated day and to heighten awareness of the impact of corruption. The Corruption Watch team will launch a fresh, innovative animated video that highlights how corruption affects us all and why it matters to hold our Read more >

Civil society must rise to the occasion

Civil society organisations (CSOs) come in many forms, some informal and some formal. The latter include non-governmental organisations, community based organisations, or faith-based organisations, among others. They represent a group of individuals who come together for a common purpose, as in to fulfil a particular mandate driven by need. In a policy brief titled Strengthening Read more >

Civil society joins forces calling McKinsey to account

 Press release and memorandum Future South Africa and the variety of civil society organisations associated with it today holds a picket outside the offices of McKinsey in South Africa to protest the way in which the global company conducted itself in relation to its empowerment partner Trillian Capital and their business deals with Eskom. McKinsey Read more >

Corruption in South Africa: a view from the front line

First published on Transparency International UK David Lewis, executive director of TI’s chapter in South Africa, Corruption Watch, reflects on the country’s current situation and the tools available to civil society to fight back against corruption. When, in the period leading to the formation of Corruption Watch, I traipsed around South Africa and the world Read more >

How ordinary citizens can punish unethical conduct

By David Lewis First published on Business Day The survey on ethical practices in the auditing and related professions conducted by the Anti-Intimidation and Ethical Practices Forum (of which Corruption Watch is a founding member) is important precisely because of its focus on ethics. The one principle of the rule of law that has been Read more >

Civil society freedoms and rights under threat

South Africa is one of a number of countries where civil society is not fully able to enjoy its freedoms and rights. The 2017 CIVICUS State of Civil Society report shows that across the globe, civil society space is under unprecedented levels of threat. “Around the world, it is becoming increasingly dangerous to challenge power, Read more >

Full FIC amendment act needed to catch the corrupt

By Leanne Govindsamy First published in Business Day State capture does not happen because of the dodgy dealings of one person or even a handful of people. It happens because hundreds of people along the line — in the public and private sectors — have enabled it. They may have failed to conduct requisite due Read more >

I am not the only one: CW awareness and fundraising

Today Corruption Watch launched its new campaign titled I am not the only one, with the aim of raising awareness about corruption in South Africa and motivating supporters to help fund our anti-corruption activities. Corruption is not just the government official and the businessman fixing a tender, or the licensing official who allows an unqualified Read more >

SA’s youth can shape a corruption-free future

by Sabeehah Motala Corruption has no age. As the voices speaking out against corruption grow, more and more young people are getting in touch with Corruption Watch to report on their experiences. What the data has shown is striking – evidence of corruption affecting young people in their most earnest endeavours. Young people are fighting Read more >