Zondo recommendations: Public procurement is the space to watch

President Cyril Ramaphosa has confirmed that lifestyle audits for members of the executive will soon be implemented by his office as per the recommendations of the state capture commission. Furthermore, they will be prohibited from partaking in procurement decisions for any government department or entity. This is contained in the response by Ramaphosa to the Read more >

Some wins so far in the fight to undo state capture

A permanent Investigative Directorate (ID), some successes in asset recovery, and greater protection for whistle-blowers. These are some of the highlights of President Cyril Ramaphosa’s action plan in response to the findings and recommendations of the state capture commission, or Zondo commission. The ID, which falls under the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA), is now a Read more >

Exposing Procurement Corruption: 10 Questions to Ask

By Richard MessickFirst published on the Global Anticorruption Blog No government activity is more susceptible to corruption than public procurement. The process by which government decides what to buy and from whom is lengthy, technically complex, and riddled with decision points that give procurement officers enormous discretion. Oversight is thus especially difficult.  Moreover, because so much Read more >

Access to info enhanced by AI and e-governance

Image: Unesco On 28 September the world marked the International Day for the Universal Access to Information (IDUAI). This event, established in November 2015 through UN resolution (38 C/70) and first commemorated in 2016, aims to facilitate international discussions on policy and guidelines in this important area.  Access to information plays an important role in Read more >

New inspector-general of intelligence almost a done deal

On Tuesday 13 September 2022, the National Assembly (NA) approved the nomination of Imtiaz Ahmed Fazel as the new inspector-general of intelligence (IGI) of South Africa. In terms of Section 7(1) of the Intelligence Services Oversight Act, the Joint Standing Committee on Intelligence (JSCI) is mandated to recommend a candidate for approval by at least Read more >

Glossary of corruption-related terms

Glossary of corruption-related terms Do you know your baksheesh from your bribery? Your cronyism from your collusion? Read our evolving glossary of terms relating to corruption to find out what they all mean. Sources:U4 Anti-Corruption Resource CentreTransparency International A A LOOTA CONTINUA ABUSE OF POWER / OFFICE / RESOURCES / FUNCTION ACCESS TO INFORMATION ACCOUNTABILITY Read more >

South Africans have low trust in their police. Here’s why

Image: Flickr/GovernmentZA By Benjamin Roberts and Steven Gordon, Human Sciences Research CouncilFirst published on The Conversation: Africa The legitimacy of legal authorities is recognised globally as crucial for the state’s ability to function in a justifiable and effective manner. This applies, in particular, to the police. Recently, South Africa’s Defence Minister Thandi Modise lamented the low Read more >