Corruption fuels poor service delivery

Although the basic right to sufficient water is enshrined in South Africa’s Constitution, gaining access to that clean water has been a long struggle for millions of people. The struggle is still happening, and it’s a crucial driver of uprisings in South Africa today. A 2012 study by the South African Water Research Commission confirms Read more >

The arms deal: what you need to know

Browse the mini-site: What is the arms deal? What equipment was bought? When did it all go down? Who were the people involved? Allegations of corruption What is the Seriti Commission? Useful resources Updates and analysis Formally known as the Strategic Defence Package, the arms deal, to use its notorious nickname, was a multi-billion-rand military Read more >

Help make our voice count!

A Corruption Watch idea, involving online citizen activism against corruption, is one of 196 that have made it through to the public voting round in the annual Making All Voices Count global innovation competition. Check it out here and vote for our idea – there are two weeks left! South Africa is one of 12 countries Read more >