SA mining at high risk for corruption

The spotlight is again on South Africa’s mining sector, this time with corruption in the sector under discussion, in the context of the country’s tardiness in prosecuting foreign corruption cases. This lack of action was pointed out in a March 2014 report released by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). The document, Phase Read more >

Corruption reports increase in 2014

Corruption Watch has undertaken a number of activities in the first part of the year to further encourage the public to join the fight against corruption. The response has been positive leading to an increase in the number of complaints reported to the organisation. In the first five months of the year we investigated several Read more >

Corruption steals from youth’s future prospects

By Valencia Talane Employment prospects of many young people across the country are hampered by corruption and they do not access all the necessary basic services they need because of it. They would take part in a march, if given the chance, to show their unhappiness with the corruption in South Africa. This was revealed Read more >

Join our online budget discussion

Do you think finance minister Pravin Gordhan has adequately addressed the needs of the people in his 2014 budget speech? What did he do right, or wrong? Has he taken the issue of corruption seriously enough to put proper measures in place to combat it? If you think he has, if you think he hasn’t, Read more >

Business must get actively involved in nailing corruption

by David Lewis Corruption is "literally killing us". This was the view of a panellist at a recent Corruption Watch colloquium on business’s role in combating corruption, held at the Gordon Institute of Business Science. "Service delivery protests are a direct consequence of the public resources squandered by corruption," said Mark Lamberti, chairman of Transaction Read more >

Our future is not for sale

The new Corruption Watch television advert doesn’t just feature people doing corrupt activities – it features Corruption Watch staff making their national screen debut doing all the things they fight against every day. The organisation has never made a television ad before, but the production adds a new facet to its mission of raising awareness Read more >