Business can play a vital role in fighting corruption

While its main focus remains on the abuse of public resources, Corruption Watch believes that business also has a crucial role to play in combating corruption. The civil society organisation has reached out to CEOs of leading companies in South Africa to explore opportunities for collaboration and involve business as an active partner in fighting Read more >

Millions spent – but toilets for schoolkids still not finished

By Valencia Talane Protests and dissatisfaction centred on poor service delivery are nothing new in South Africa – in fact, they are now commonplace. A recent Corruption Watch report on water reveals that, although the government claims improved access to water and sanitation, this is often far from being the case – and the reason Read more >

A role for businesses in combating corruption

Because we believe that business also has a role to play in fighting corruption, Corruption Watch hosted a colloquium at the GIBS Business School where business leaders came together to discuss ways in which they can help to eradicate the problem. We’ve put together this handy page for businesses on resources relating to anti-corruption, which Read more >

CW in ConCourt again for R10-billion tender

Corruption Watch appears in the Constitutional Court again today, in the tender dispute between AllPay Consolidated Investments Holdings and others v the South African Social Security Agency (Sassa) and others. The case was brought before the Constitutional Court by losing bidder Allpay, which disputed the awarding of a R10-billion tender by Sassa to a private Read more >

Online corruption-busting community platforms launched

​Corruption Watch is engaging with corruption fighters in a whole new way – the organisation has launched two digital collaborative communities, and a new television advert hits local screens today. Read the press statement below: Corruption Watch launches online communities of corruption fighters Corruption Watch has partnered with Mxit, Indigo New Media and Concursive Corporation Read more >

Our future is not for sale

The new Corruption Watch television advert doesn’t just feature people doing corrupt activities – it features Corruption Watch staff making their national screen debut doing all the things they fight against every day. The organisation has never made a television ad before, but the production adds a new facet to its mission of raising awareness Read more >

The inside scoop on corruption in SA

Corruption Watch has released its second annual report. The publication, which for the first two weeks will only be accessible online at the new Corruption Watch Connected community platform, reveals that the watchdog organisation has received a total of 5 482 reports of alleged corruption in the two years since its inception. Of these, 2 262 Read more >

Teachers also frustrated by corruption

Corruption is one of the most difficult challenges facing the education system today, reports an article in today’s Daily Sun. The article is based on data gathered by Corruption Watch since it started its schools campaign in January 2013. The purpose of the campaign was to expose the types of underhanded dealings that are crippling the Read more >

Corruption fuels poor service delivery

Although the basic right to sufficient water is enshrined in South Africa’s Constitution, gaining access to that clean water has been a long struggle for millions of people. The struggle is still happening, and it’s a crucial driver of uprisings in South Africa today. A 2012 study by the South African Water Research Commission confirms Read more >